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Complete Your Forms

This page applies to Time2Track trainees.

If your program uses forms and evaluations, you can use Time2Track to complete and sign evaluations and other forms.

Submit a Form

When your supervisor or program sends you a form to complete, you will receive an email notification. Click the link in the email or log in to Time2Track.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Start Form to access the form or Continue Form to finish completing the form.
  3. Complete all required fields.
  4. Click Complete "Student" Step to send the completed form to the next recipient or click Save to save your progress and return later.
  5. Click Print to print a hardcopy for yourself once your form is sent.

Edit a Form

You can edit your responses in forms you already submitted. Once the supervisor or program approved your form, you must contact them first to unapprove it in order to make changes.

When you unsubmit a form, it sends the form back through its designated workflow. For example, if your form's workflow began with you, then was sent to your supervisor, and ended with a faculty member, unsubmitting the form restarts the process with you.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click View Form.
  3. Click Unsubmit And Edit, then confirm that you want to reopen the form.
  4. Update fields, as needed.
  5. Click Complete "Student" Step to send the completed form to your supervisor or program or click Save to save your progress and return later.
  6. Click Print to print a hardcopy for yourself once your form is sent.

Placement Forms

Some programs require forms based on your placements. Review the information listed in the Current Step column to learn who must complete these forms. For example:

  • Student: you must complete the form.
  • Supervisor: your supervisor must complete the form.
  • Student->Supervisor: you must complete the form first, and then your supervisor will complete their portion.
  • Supervisor->Student: your supervisor must complete the form first, and then you will complete your portion.
  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Placement Forms.
  3. Click Send Form if another recipient must complete the form first.
  4. Click Start Form if you must complete the form first.
  5. Complete all required fields.
  6. Click Complete "Student" Step to send the completed form to your supervisor or program or click Save to save your progress and return later.
  7. Click Print to print a hardcopy for yourself once your form is sent.

If you submitted activities to multiple supervisors for approval for one placement, each supervisor will receive a separate placement form.

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