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This page applies to Time2Track trainees.

Time2Track offers several reports that you can use to track your activities and progress during your experiences. You can print these reports for your records or give them to your supervisors and training directors to sign, if using the paper approval process. Depending on your profile configuration, all or some of these reports are available to you.

Create a Report

To create a report:

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Select a report type. See definitions below.
  3. Under Date Range, limit your report to include activities within a certain date range. If you want to include the number of integrated reports completed, leave these fields blank.
  4. Under Level, select the level for the desired activities.
  5. Under Experience, select your experiences.
  6. If you select the experience, you can also filter by your supervisors.
  7. Under setting, select a organization type.
  8. If you select Consolidate Custom Types, then your custom activity types are combined with the associated, standard activity types. If you don't select this, then your custom activity type data is listed separately from the associated, standard activity types.
  9. If you select Approved Hours Only, then your report is limited to only activities approved by a supervisor.
  10. Click Filter, if needed.
  11. Click Print Signature Page to print the report details.

Report Types

Activity Summary Report

This report includes a detailed view of all your confirmed activities, including graphs for your hours based on time, domain, organization type, experience, and type. Your integrated assessment totals are also listed if you track these details.

Demographic Summary Report

This report is based on only confirmed activities and includes a detailed summary of the different client populations you've worked with, including charts based on client age, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and disabilities. The total number of clients by type is also listed.

Combined Summary Report

This report combines parts of the Activity Summary and Demographic Summary reports. The client demographic data and activity hours by type are listed.

Activity Details Report

This report lists all activities entered in Time2Track, with activity and organization type totals. Select the default statuses, approval statuses, and date range for a basic filter, or click Advanced Filters for additional filters.

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