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Selecting University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges Programs

Before Selecting a Program

  • Check each program's deadline requirements. Ensure you have enough time to apply.
  • Confirm your eligibility. Research the program and determine if you are eligible to apply. Contact the program directly if you have any questions regarding your eligibility. We do not verify prerequisites and requirements so it is your responsibility to ensure you are eligible.

If you are currently accepted or enrolled at the University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges and want to transfer to another community college campus, complete the Change of Home Institution form.

Selecting a Program

  1. Click Add Program at the top of the application home page.
  2. Click the Filter button to locate the programs you are interested in applying to.
  3. Click the plus sign next to a program to add it to your program list. You must select at least one program to continue completing the application. If you want to remove a program and only have one selected, you need to add the second program before you can remove the first one.
  4. Continue adding programs as desired. Remember, you can submit your application to only one program per academic term.
  5. Begin filling out the application. Before submitting, be sure to review your program list to make sure you are applying to all your intended programs.

Note that by submitting your application, you are committing to applying to your selected program. You cannot substitute or remove your program after submission. Additionally, application fees are non-refundable and refunds for selections made in error are not possible.

Invitation Codes

Some programs provide invitation codes, which are deadline extensions offered to individual applicants. If you received an invitation code from a program, use the information below to apply to a program whose deadline has already passed.

You can apply your invitation code(s) when you select a program (steps below) or are ready to submit your application (review the Submitting and Completing Your University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges Application section). Note that you must use the invitation code before the expiration date (i.e., new deadline date).

Selecting a Program
  1. Click the Add Program tab at the top of the application.
  2. Click the Enter Invitation Code link in the top right of the program list.
  3. Enter the invitation code you received from the program.
  4. Select the closed program.
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