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This section only applies to the 2024-2025 cycle.


Use the Documents section to upload required and optional documents. If you do not want to upload any documents, select I Am Not Adding Any Documents.

Be sure to proofread and review your documents before you submit the application. Once your application is submitted, you cannot re-upload, update, or edit the document in any way; however, you can upload new documents. Be sure to notify your campus(es) about any changes or if you upload additional information after you submit your application.

If you find an error after submission that you believe could affect the consideration of your application, we recommend sending a corrected version directly to your campus(es).

Add a Document

  1. Click Add Document.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Locate and select your file.
  4. Click Upload This Document.

Note: you are responsible for protecting any sensitive information in the documents you are uploading (for example, your Social Security Number). Be sure to redact any sensitive information.

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