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Refunding/Withdrawing Your University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Graduate Division Application

Refund Policy

Because your designated campuses have access to your information as soon as you submit your application, no refunds can be issued for any reason (this includes missed deadlines and campuses no longer accepting applicants).

Before submitting your application, you are prompted to review and agree to the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Graduate Division Release Statement. This agreement includes a clause about the refund policy. As an applicant, it's your responsibility to complete your application correctly, monitor the status of your application, ensure all required materials are received and posted to the application, respond to all notifications in a timely manner, and adhere to the deadline requirements posted by each campus to which you have applied.

Withdrawing Your Application

Applications cannot be withdrawn from The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Graduate Division Online Application; you must contact University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Graduate Division directly at to request a withdrawal. Withdrawal of your application is not grounds for a refund.

Credit Card Payment Disputes

An unauthorized credit card chargeback against a fee will result in the application being placed on hold for all programs. A chargeback is the return of funds to a consumer, typically occurring after a credit card transaction is disputed with the credit card company.

If we receive an unauthorized chargeback from your credit card company, we will notify you of the chargeback and place your application on hold. To reinstate your application, you must send a money order that totals the full fee plus a $25 bank processing charge for each incorrect chargeback within 10 business days of the notification.

If payment is not received within this timeframe, any future activity will be barred until all outstanding fees are paid, including applications for future cycles.


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