Applicants in this status have created an account and selected your program as one they are interested in, but have not yet submitted the application to your program. Your In Progress applicant list is dynamic, meaning this applicant count will fluctuate as applicants select, de-select, and submit to programs. For example, an In Progress applicant may choose not to apply to your program and remove it from the application, which subsequently removes it from your In Progress applicant count. It's helpful to compare this to putting something in a shopping cart but then removing it because you decide not to purchase the item.
In Progress applicants may be able to select more than one program at an institution. For example, a SOPHAS applicant (Schools of Public Health) may apply to both a Biostatistics and an Epidemiology program at the same institution. If an applicant selects multiple programs, your Designation count may be higher than your applicant count. This is because the applicant is only one person, but that one person may be submitting their application to multiple programs.
Note that some CASs have a pre-submission release form, in which applicants select if the programs they're applying to can view their application before they submit it. If your CAS participates in this feature, you may not see all your In Progress applicants. For example, in the following screenshot, "85 applicants underway but not complete, with 61 allowed for previewing" means that 24 applicants have chosen not to allow their name or application to be viewed until they submit.