Reapplication Process
Applicants can use an existing account from a previous cycle to reapply in the current cycle. They also keep the same CAS ID number from the previous cycle. To get started, applicants log in to the application (in the new cycle) and confirm they want to begin the reapplication process by clicking Start Reapplication. Then, they can choose to start a fresh application or copy data from their previous application.
If the Applicant Chooses to Start a Fresh Application:
The data from the previous application cycle is wiped clean and they proceed with a blank application.
If the Applicant Chooses to Copy Application Data:
Applicants select the information they want to carry forward. It can take up to 24 hours for the selected data to copy, and they receive an email once the application is ready.
Reapplicant Fields in WebAdMIT
You can identify which applicants reapplied from a previous cycle in WebAdMIT. There are two fields to track this information and both populate as Yes or No; CASs can choose to activate one or both fields.
Note that neither of these fields appears in the Applicant Details page nor the full application PDF. They are available in the List Manager and Export Manager.
- Applicant Previously Applied to CAS: this field identifies applicants who carried forward an application from a previous cycle. Only applicants who submitted their application to at least one program in the CAS are included in this field. This field is listed under the Applicant field grouping in lists and exports. It is also available in the Applicant Header.
- Applicant Previously Applied to Organization: this field identifies if the applicant carried forward an application and submitted it to at least one of your programs at your organization in a previous cycle. This field is listed under the Designation field grouping in lists and exports.
Best Practices in Identifying Reapplicants
Applicant Previously Applied to CAS
If your CAS activates the Applicant Previously Applied to CAS field, you can use the Applicant Header feature to add this field (located under the Applicant field grouping) to the top of each applicant's page.
Applicant Previously Applied to Organization
If your CAS activates the Applicant Previously Applied to Organization field, you can use the Custom Fields feature to track your reapplicants on the Applicant Details Page. To do so,
- Create a Custom Field and select the Yes/No Value answer option.
- Create a list in the List Manager and select the Applicant Previously Applied to Organization field (located under the Designation field grouping).
- Select Yes to find applicants who previously applied to a program at your organization.
- Once you run your list, under List Actions, select Update Custom Fields for Checked Applicants.
- Update your Custom Field to Yes for the selected applicants.
The Custom Field will be listed under the Custom Field panel on each Applicant Details Page. The default value will be No for all applicants. As you batch update the Custom Field, it will update to Yes.