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Shared Lookup Table Updates for Fall 2021


Many fields in the Applicant Portal contain predefined answer values that applicants can select; for example, the Country and County fields both have predefined answer values. These values are housed in shared “lookup tables” which are viewable in your CAS’s/UniCAS’s Custom Export Layout (CEL) file (located under Help in WebAdMIT). 

Periodically, we receive requests to update these lookup tables to include additional response options for some of the standard questions in the Applicant Portal. We strive to respond to these requests while acknowledging that some updates can potentially impact schools that are leveraging that data in many of our portals, including:

See below for the timeline and guidance for optimal implementation. 


  • May 10, 2021 – June 18, 2021: Account Managers meet with clients to review the upcoming changes.
  • June 18, 2021: final date to submit lookup table value requests.
  • June 22, 2021: new lookup table values finalized.
  • September 12, 2021: new lookup table values appear in the Applicant Portal and WebAdMIT and updated CELs are available.
  • September 24, 2021: updated GPAs are available (if applicable).

The following sections provide more detail on this timeline.

Changes to Applicant Portal Lookup Tables


  • Added Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • Added Clinical Laboratory Technician
  • Added Medical Laboratory Sciences
  • Added Medical Laboratory Technician


  • Added Dari
  • Added Fante
  • Added Farsi
  • Added Kiembu
  • Added Kikamba
  • Added Kikongo
  • Added Kimeru
  • Added Nuer
  • Added Nzema
  • Added Pashto
  • Added Serbo-Croatian
  • Added Shanghainese
  • Added Sylhetti

Changes to the Custom Export Layouts and Master Code Lists

On September 12, 2021, applicants will be able to select the new options in the application. Additionally, the new CELs will become available and contain the new lookup table values that correspond to the Changes to Applicant Portal Lookup Tables.

Note that the Master College Code List, Master Degree Code List, and Master High School Code List are not published in our CELs. Instead, they are available online in the WebAdMIT Help Center. Additionally, these Master Code Lists are updated once a year in the spring.

If you currently export data from our portals to your school’s Student Information System (SIS) or another database, share this information with your Information Technology (IT) team.

If your school imports these fields directly from our system to yours, these new options will begin appearing in your exports as applicants select them. If you currently export data from our portals to your school’s Student Information System (SIS) or another database, share these new lookup table values and CELs with your Information Technology (IT) team. Additionally, if you created a “crosswalk” from our portals to your local data in your SIS/CRM, you may need to update this crosswalk for the newly added options.

Where New Lookup Table Values Appear 

Once the new lookup table values become available to applicants, they’re reflected in our portals in the applicant’s profile, within the application PDF, and in lists and exports. 

Future Changes

Lookup table change requests should be sent to your Account Manager, who will compile and review these requests prior to inclusion in the next lookup table update. A similar schedule will be provided closer to that time.


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