Using the List Manager in the Universal Advisor Portal
The UAP allows you to group and manage applicants by common criteria. Once you create a list, you can access it as needed and perform various actions. Lists are dynamic and update as your applicant pool changes. The List Manager allows you to create Field Lists based on data from the application, and Composite Lists based on existing Field Lists.
Using the Menu Bar, open the Applicant Lists panel, then click List Manager.
Creating a Field List
Use Field Lists to search for applicants using and/or criteria. For example, you can build a list that contains applicants who reside in a regional area (e.g., MA or CT or VT or RI). You might also use the List Manager to find all applicants from your institution or to find all matriculated applicants.
- From the List Manager page, click New Field List.
- Name the list and indicate if it should appear in the Menu Bar under the Applicant Lists panel (this option provides you with quick access to run the list). Then, determine if you want your query to match all or any of the rules you will subsequently establish. You can think of this as and/or logic, except in the UAP, and = all and any = or.
- Next, create a query by selecting a field, an operator, and criteria.
- If applicable, click the plus or minus signs to add or remove a criterion.
- When you are finished adding criteria, click Submit.
Using List Operators
The fields you select are associated with several operators, as follows:
Field Type |
Available Operators |
All Field Types |
Lookup, String, Numeric, and Date |
String Only |
Numeric and Date Only |
Date Only |
Excluding Null Values
When searching your applicant pool, consider including a second operator of Is Not Null if you wish to ignore empty fields. This ensures your resulting list includes only those applicants with data in a given field.
For example, if you want a list of applicants who reported Experiences outside of the United States, but you don’t want to include the applicants who did not report any Experience at all:
- Include applicants who match all your rules, and
- Use the operators does not equal and is not null.
Fields with Multiple Values
Some applicant questions may result in multiple answers. For example, an applicant could report having multiple ethnicities or taking multiple standardized tests.
When you create a list on a field with multiple values, the resulting list includes any applicant that has at least one value meeting the defined conditions. For example, if you would like to see all applicants who have a parent from a country other than the United States, create a list on the field Country of Legal Residence in the field group Parents/Guardians and include the operators:
- Country does not equal United States
- Country is not null
The resulting list includes all applicants who have at least one parent that meets these conditions, though not all their parents are from a non-US country.
Applying List Actions to Selected Applicants
Using the checkboxes in the first column of your search results, you can select multiple applicants and apply an action.
- Export List Name: export the list to .csv, .xls, or .txt formats.
- Edit List Rules: return to list setup and change, add, or delete list criteria.
Managing Lists
From the List Manager, you have several options to work with the lists that have been created.
Reordering Lists
To reorder a list, use the grip icon to drag and drop the list into the preferred order.
Editing Lists
To modify a list, click the pencil icon.
Copying Existing Lists
To copy an existing list, click the duplicate icon.
Deleting Lists
To delete a list, click the remove icon. Note that only list owners can delete lists. Additionally, any associated exports using the list will also be deleted (you will be prompted to confirm that you want to proceed).
Exporting Lists
To export a list, click the export icon. Selecting this option will take you to the Export Manager with the desired list pre-selected.
Working with Composite Lists
The UAP allows you to group and manage applicants by common criteria. Once you create a list, you can access it as needed and perform various actions. Lists are dynamic and update as your applicant pool changes. The List Manager allows you to create Field Lists based on data from the application, and Composite Lists based on existing Field Lists.
Creating Composite Lists
There are situations where you may wish to create a more advanced list, one that queries for applicants that match several criteria and/or several other criteria simultaneously. This can be accomplished using the Composite List feature. Specifically, composite lists allow you to combine any and all functions in one list. For example, you can create a list that contains:
- All applicants residing in NY and in the Wait Listed Decision Code, and
- All applicants residing outside of NY and in the Deferred Decision Code.
- Click New Composite List.
- Name the list and decide whether it will appear on your toolbar or not.
- Begin configuring criteria for your Composite List by selecting one of your previously created Field Lists from the drop-down and selecting applicant appears in list or applicant does not appear in list as your operator.
- Add one or more additional lists to use in your query.
- Select the option to match any or all of the rules.
- Click Submit.
Applying List Actions to Selected Applicants
Using the checkboxes in the first column of your search results, you can select multiple applicants and apply an action.
- Export List Name: export the list to .csv, .xls, or .txt formats.
- Edit List Rules: return to list setup and change, add, or delete list criteria.