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Exporting Applicants from the Universal Advisor Portal


The UAP allows you to create a rich data file containing selected applicant data elements. Exports are especially useful for reporting purposes. For example, you can run exports to determine:

  • Applicant demographics.
  • The average GPA for applicants from your school who receive at least one offer.
  • The percentage of applicants from an under-represented minority.

The following video provides an overview of the options available to you when creating an export. Note that one option when creating exports is to limit the exported applicants to a specific list you've created. For detailed instructions on creating lists, review the Using Lists in the Universal Advisor Portal article. 

Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Exports

  1. Using the Menu Bar, open the Reports & Exports panel, then click Export Manager.

  2. Click New Export.

  3. Select a list to export.

  4. Select an export type (.csv, .xls, or .txt).

  5. Enter a name for your export, and decide whether to include column headings. Column headings are names of the fields you select for the export.

  6. Select how you want to export fields with more than one result. This includes fields like College Names, Test Scores, Evaluations, etc.

    • Select as many columns as needed to expand the field to display as many results as needed, based on the applicant pool you have chosen (i.e., if an applicant attended 10 colleges, the college field and all fields in that grouping will expand to 10 columns for all applicants).
    • Select exactly to set a fixed number of columns allotted for all one-to-many fields (i.e., if you set it to 2 columns, all colleges attended and test scores will expand to 2 columns each). Warning: when selecting this option for an applicant who has more answers than the number of columns you selected, you can’t control which data points appear in the export. Entering a higher number of fixed columns may help ensure that you export all necessary data.
    • Select by field category to specify the number of fixed columns for a category. Selecting this option does not allow you to intermingle fields from different categories. Only sections with one-to-many fields offer the “Many” fields allowed: option.

  7. Select who can view the export (just you or everyone at your institution) and indicate if it should appear in the Menu Bar under the Reports & Exports panel (this option provides you with quick access to run the export).

  8. Under the Export these fields… column, click the categories to view and select fields.

  9. The fields you select appear in the …in this order. column. If you previously selected .txt for the export type, you can set a fixed width for each field. Depending on the field, you can also select a data transformation option. These options are useful to IT staff when importing data into an SIS.

  10. After selecting your fields, use the grip icon to drag and drop them into the preferred order; the top field will export first, and the bottom last. Additionally, you can group by field or numerically.
    • Group by Field exports the data by field category (e.g., College Name 1, College Name 2, College Name 3, College State 1, College State 2, College State 3).
    • Group by Numeric exports the data by value (e.g., College Name 1, College State 1, College Name 2, College State 2, College Name 3, College State 3).

  11. When you’re done adding criteria, click Create File to save and run the export, Save Export Settings to save the customized export for future use, or Return to Export Manager to cancel the export.

Note: an Office 2007 security feature may prevent you from opening an export or report in .xls format. Adjust your export type to .csv to avoid this issue. Additionally, versions of MS Excel prior to 2007 limit data to 255 columns, including data points that may generate more than one column, such as Colleges Attended. For larger exports, please use the .csv format. These files can be opened in MS Excel 2007 and later, even if they exceed 255 columns. Exceeding the export fields limit will result in an "Internal Server Error" message. To export all fields, try dividing the fields into two or more separate exports.

How to Build a Comprehensive Applicant Export

You can include a variety of applicant data points in your exports. This video walks you through creating a comprehensive applicant export that includes the following fields:

  • Applicant Section: First Name
  • Applicant Section: Last Name
  • Applicant Section: Middle Name
  • Applicant Section: CAS ID
  • Preferred Mailing Address Section: Email Address
  • Personal Section: State/Province of Residence
  • Personal Section: Gender or Sex
  • Applicant Ethnicities Section: (all, or select as desired)
  • Designation Section: Designation Submitted Date
  • College(s) Attended Section: College Name (optionally, use Primary College Filter on all College Attended fields)
  • College(s) Attended Section: Primary College Attended?
  • College(s) Attended Section: First Degree
  • College(s) Attended Section: First Degree Primary Major
  • College(s) Attended Section: Second Degree
  • College(s) Attended Section: Second Degree Primary Major
  • GPAs by Year Section: Cumulative Undergraduate Science Total GPA
  • GPAs by Year Section: Cumulative Undergraduate Total GPA
  • GPAs by Year Section: Post-Baccalaureate Science Total GPA
  • GPAs by Year Section: Post-Baccalaureate Total GPA
  • GPAs by Year Section: Graduate Science Total GPA
  • GPAs by Year Section: Graduate Total GPA
  • Official MCAT Section: Test Date
  • Official MCAT Section: Total
  • Official MCAT Section: Total Percentile
  • Official MCAT Section: (section scores, select as desired)

Managing Exports

To manage existing exports, click Export Manager from the Menu Bar.

  • To run an export, click the export name.
  • To reorder an export, use the grip icon to drag and drop the export into the preferred order.
  • To modify an export, click the pencil icon.
  • To copy an existing export, click the duplicate icon.
  • To delete an export, click the remove icon.
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