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Release 8 – August 27, 2023

New Features and Enhancements

   Reorder Scoring Components

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

The Scoring feature in WebAdMIT allows you to score and rank applicants based on institutional rating policies. With this enhancement, you can now reorder the scoring components within a Scoring Model, and your sort order appears on the Scoring Manager and Applicant Details page. This allows you to specify how you want the scoring components to be listed (e.g., chronological within the admissions review process, priority, etc.).

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

   Admissions Uploaded Document Fields in List Manager and Export Manager

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

If desired, you can upload documents to the Applicant Details page, which are stored under the Documents panel. For example, you can upload supplemental documentation sent directly to your admissions office instead of through the CAS. With this enhancement, you can now use the List Manager and Export Manager to query and export data about these uploaded documents. This may be helpful if you want to quickly identify applicants that you have uploaded documents for. The new fields are:

  • Admissions Uploaded Documents field category
    • Admissions Uploaded Document Name
    • Admissions Uploaded Document Upload Date

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

   Batch Add Applicants to Clipboard from List Actions

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

When using the List Manager, you can apply batch actions to quickly update applicant information, such as assigning Assignments or changing Local Statuses. With this enhancement, you can now batch add applicants from a list to the Clipboard (a personalized, ad hoc list) using the Add Checked Applicants to Clipboard action. This allows you to quickly identify applicants via the List Manager and then pull out select applicants for further review in your Clipboard.

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

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