Navigate the Users Tab


The Users tab can only be edited by Program Directors, Program Director designees, or association clients. Here, you can identify the main users at your institution. To view or update information about the user, click their name.

Program Director

This user is the primary contact for your program's eAccreditation submission. Note that only the association can change the Program Director at each program.

Program Staff

You can identify additional users to enter and submit your eAccreditation work. Note that you must identify at least one individual for each role identified in the Institutional and Program Official tab.

Adding Program Staff

To create a new user account:

  1. Click Add User.
  2. Enter the user's contact information.
  3. Select their role.
    • Program official: users such as the dean or chair of your program, or the president of your institution.
    • Application user: any other user at your program, including administrators.
  4. Select their permissions. Click the links below for definitions. 
    Program Profile

    This permission allows you to view and edit the Institutional and Program Profile tab. 

    View Officials

    This permission allows you to view the Institutional and Program Officials tab.

    Edit Official

    This permission allows you to edit the Institutional and Program Officials tab.


    This permission allows you to view and edit the Curriculum tab.

    Annual Report

    This permission allows you to view and edit the Annual Report tab.

    Substantive Change

    This permission allows you to view and edit the Substantive Changes List tab.

    Self Study

    This permission allows you to view and edit the Self Study and Standards tab.

    View Benchmarking

    This permission allows you to view the Benchmark tab.

    Edit Benchmarking

    This permission allows you to edit the Benchmark tab.

  5. Enter the user's credentials, if applicable.
  6. Click Save.

Once you save the user's account, they will receive an email with their login credentials.

Users who are permitted to enter data in the Student/Trainee section should be those whom the program has cleared to handle confidential information such as students' prior educational qualifications.

Managing Users

You can manage your user's account under the Status column. Note that you cannot delete users because their input and activity in eAccreditation are an important record of the accreditation process. Instead, you can select Disabled; the user cannot log in to eAccreditation but any work they completed in eAccreditation will remain.