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Other Information

Language Proficiency

Select your first language (the language of your birth). If you speak additional languages, click Add Another Language. Then, select the language(s) and the level of your proficiency in each.

Academic Infraction

Indicate whether you have ever been disciplined or placed on academic probation while attending an academic institution. If you select Yes, enter a brief explanation in the field provided. Include:

  1. A brief description of the incident
  2. Specific charge made
  3. Related dates
  4. Consequence
  5. A reflection on the incident and how the incident has impacted your life.

License Infraction

Indicate whether you have ever had any certification, registration, license, or clinical privileges revoked, suspended, or in any way restricted by an institution, state, or locality. If yes, enter an explanation in the spaces provided.

Note that once you submit your application, you can update License Infractions only if you submitted your application with an answer of No.

Misdemeanor and Felony Convictions

Indicate whether you've ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony. Note that most programs require satisfactory background check results as a condition of acceptance. Failure to disclose and provide accurate information about prior convictions may have serious consequences, such as annulment of acceptance offers, program dismissal, or other sanctions.

Background checks reflect all prior convictions, guilty pleas, city ordinance citations (such as public intoxication), illegal possession(s) including possession of alcohol under the legal age, payments of fines (including traffic violations), and, in some cases, prior records thought to have been expunged. Note that in some states, common traffic violations may be considered misdemeanors.

Candidates with criminal records due to felony offenses are encouraged to be aware of the potential impact for program acceptance and future licensure. Contact the programs you wish to apply to and state licensing agencies where you hope to practice for advice if you have a felony conviction or a criminal record. If you are uncertain of the status of a charge versus a conviction on your record, or if you are uncertain as to whether your offense was an infraction, misdemeanor, or a felony, contact the city, county, or state jurisdiction where the incident occurred.

If you are convicted of a misdemeanor or felony prior to admission and/or matriculation, it is your responsibility to immediately inform your program(s).

Military Status

If you have US military experience, select your anticipated status at the time of enrollment from the drop-down. Select Not a member of the military if this does not apply.

If a member of the military, select your branch of the Armed Forces from the drop-down and indicate the dates of service.

Military Discharge

Select whether you were honorably discharged from the military. If you select No, indicate why you were not honorably discharged.

Medical School History

Indicate whether you previously attended a medical school or health profession program anywhere in the world, regardless of completion. If you select Yes, enter details about the program.

Previous Applications to Podiatric Medicine

If you previously applied to any podiatric medicine medical colleges or universities, select the year(s) you applied. Use the entering year of the fall semester when you would have enrolled. Report only applications submitted before the current AACPMAS application cycle.

Other Health Profession Applications

If you applied or will apply to another health profession, select the profession name(s).

DPM Shadowing

Select how you located a DPM to shadow. Then, enter the name(s) of the DPM(s) you shadowed.


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