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Colleges Attended


  • Report all institutions attended regardless of their relevance to the programs you are applying to. Report all institutions attended, including but not limited to:
    • courses taken in high school for college or university credit. Remember to visit A-G Matching after completing the College Coursework section.
    • summer courses
    • community college courses
    • US military academies (note that this does not include courses on SMART or JST transcripts)
    • post-baccalaureate, graduate, and doctoral work
    • study abroad, Canadian, foreign work, etc.
  • List all institutions on your application even if the coursework completed there was transferred to another institution.
  • Report each institution only once, regardless of the number of degrees earned or gaps in the dates of attendance.
  • If you attended or are attending an institution outside the United States/Canada, you can upload an unofficial copy of your transcript with an English mirror/direct, word-for-word translation. This is not required but will help expedite application processing.

Adding a College

  1. Click Add a College or University.
  2. Type and select your college or university.
    • Begin typing the full institution name. The system will display results that match the information you typed. Select the correct matching institution. Additional matches may be further down on the list. Scroll down or use the down arrow to see additional potential matches.
    • It may take several tries to find your school, especially if it shares its name with others or could be spelled differently. For example, if you attended "Saint John's University," you may need to try "Saint John," "St. John," or "St John" (no period) to bring the school up on the list.
    • If you exhausted all options and it does not appear, select Can't find your school? Then, indicate if your school is an Unlisted English Speaking Canadian Institution, Unlisted US Institution, or Unlisted French Speaking Canadian Institution or Other Foreign Institution.
    • If you select Unlisted French Speaking Canadian Institution or Other Foreign Institution, select the school's country from the drop-down.
  3. Select if you obtained (or plan to obtain) a degree from the selected institution.
    • If you earned or plan to earn a degree, provide details about the earned or expected degree. If your major is not found exactly as your school identifies, select the closest related major.
    • Associate Degree for Transfer applicants can identify their degree(s) but this does not classify you as an AA-T or AS-T applicant. You must also identify the degree in your Extended Profile.
    • Click Add another Degree to add additional degrees, as needed.
  4. Select your college's and university's term system. You can usually find this on the back of your official transcripts, or you can contact your college's and university's registrar.
    • Term system refers to the type of hours your credits are worth, not the length of the term or how many terms a year your college or university offered.
    • If your transcript lists some courses as quarter and others as semester, enter the term type that is most common (i.e., if you have six quarter terms and two semester terms, enter quarter).
  5. Select your tuition status (resident or non-resident) at this college or university during the last term attended.
  6. Enter dates of the first and last terms you attended. Entering the last semester of attendance is helpful to the campus to which you’re applying as opposed to selecting the checkbox. Be sure to only enter each college or university you attended once, regardless of gaps in your attendance there.
  7. Click Save to complete the entry.

Review the 2024-2025 Transfer Application Guide for more detailed information on entering your Colleges Attended.

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