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Other Information

Social Security Number

In accordance with state and federal law, the disclosure of your Social Security number is voluntary. Please note that if you receive any form of federal aid (which includes student loans), you will be required to provide your social security number so that your aid may be processed. Your number will not be disclosed to anyone outside of Indiana University except in accordance with IU policy on student records. You will be assigned a ten-digit number that will be your University ID. Your University ID number will be included in your admission letter from your department/school.

Language Proficiency

Select your first language (the language of your birth). If you speak additional languages, click Add Another Language. Then, select the language(s) and the level of your proficiency in each.

Military Status

If you have US military experience, select your anticipated status at the time of enrollment from the drop-down. Select Not a member of the military if this does not apply.

Parental Information

Indicate if you are a first-generation student (i.e., neither parent/legal guardian completed a bachelor's degree or higher).


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