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Understanding the Environments for Integration

Liaison offers two environments that you can integrate with:

  • Prelaunch: a staging environment that allows you to configure programs for the new cycle without impacting the current cycle. An advantage to using prelaunch is that you can create your own test cases to ensure all applicant types are covered.
  • Production: the live environment, where you perform your application review processes.

Data subscriptions can be set up to deliver prelaunch or production data to either Slate Test or Production. Slate will process and import the data in both Slate environments.

Document subscriptions can be set up to deliver prelaunch or production documents to either Slate environment; however, Slate will only process and import documents in Slate Production.

Setting the Environment in Your Subscription

CAS API access is based on environment. To run subscriptions in the prelaunch environment, your CAS API account must have access to the prelaunch environment. To run subscriptions in the production environment, your CAS API account must have access to the production environment.

To request an update to your CAS API account, follow the steps to requesting access to the CAS API.

Key subscription differences between CAS environments:

  • Many of the variables are different in each environment. If you're using Postman, we recommend creating a new Postman Environment for each CAS environment.
  • In the subscription body, the sftpBaseDirectory determines if the files are sent only to Slate Test.
    • To send only to Slate Test, the directory path (sftpBaseDirectory in the subscription body) should be: /test/incoming/liaison/.
    • To send to Slate Production, the directory path (sftpBaseDirectory in the subscription body) should be: /incoming/liaison/.
  • The Source Format import path/mask doesn’t need to be changed to accommodate the test environment. It should always start with: /liaison/.
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