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Mapping Your Coursework Source Format

Unique Identifiers for Matching

Slate will automatically create two new fields in an overnight process after you import the standard Source Format for CAS Coursework data and set them as "unique for merging." The standard Source Format maps CAS IDs into these fields to ensure proper matching for incoming CAS data.

  • Person scope: "CAS/Liaison Person ID"
  • School scope: "CAS/Liaison School ID"

Additionally, the CAS course ID will be pre-mapped to the Slate "School Course: External ID" field in the standard Source Format to ensure that CAS coursework information is loaded to the same Slate Course even if delivered multiple times.

Information Available for CAS Coursework

Different CAS may collect different coursework details. The fields consistently available have been pre-mapped in the standard Source Format and include the following:

  • title: name of the course taken.
  • creditsReceived: number of credits earned by the applicant in the course taken.
  • grade: grade earned by the applicant in the course taken.
  • subject: subject, selected from a standardized list, of the course taken.
  • termYear: year when the course was taken.

Additional fields are available depending on the CAS from which the coursework information is being delivered. You should consider your uses for coursework information in Slate and the availability of data when deciding whether to map additional coursework fields.

One field you may well want to map is the "term" field. This field will contain the term when the course was taken, such as "Fall," "Spring," or "Summer." To effectively map this field, you'll need to complete some Slate baseline configuration work to define possible Slate Course Term values and map them to CAS course term values. Consult Slate's Knowledge Base for more information on configuring the Slate Courses object.

Value Mapping: Course Subject

The CAS Coursework "subject" field delivers the subject, selected from a standardized list, of the course taken. The "subject" field is mapped to the Slate "School Course: Type" field. To effectively map this field, you'll need to complete some Slate baseline configuration work to define possible Slate Course Type values and map them to CAS coursework "subject" values. Consult Slate's Knowledge Base for more information on configuring the Slate Courses object. The exhaustive list of possible CAS coursework "subject" values can be found in the CAS-Slate Data Dictionary article. Download the Lookups file and navigate to the sheet called "LK_Subject." The list of values on that sheet are the possible values that will be delivered in the CAS coursework "subject" field.

For more information, also see the Slate Knowledge Base.

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