WebAdMIT Users Reference Guide

If you're a current or former WebAdMIT user who is working in Outcomes, this guide will help familiarize you with some of the similarities between the two solutions.

Feature Comparison

There are several features that are comparable between WebAdMIT and Outcomes, and there are also things that set them apart. Review the chart below to learn more.

Outcomes Feature

Comparable WebAdMIT Feature


Copy Application Manual Designation In some instances of WebAdMIT, Manual Designations can be used to add a program, or designation, to an applicant. The software then treats the applicant as if they applied to their Manual Designation (e.g., in Lists, Searches, etc.). The Copy feature in Outcomes works in a similar way, allowing you to duplicate an application and move it to an additional program. Applicants do not receive a notification that you have done this.
Decisions Decision Codes Decisions are categories in which applicants are placed to indicate what decision has been made by the admissions team.
Evaluations Assignments Evaluations are review forms that you create and assign to the reviewers of your choice. Like Assignments, this allows you to collect feedback from your reviewers regarding your applicants.
Forms Configuration Portal Questions
Assignment Questions
Interview Questions
Forms are questionnaires that you assign to your applicants, users, or contacts to complete. Like questions you create on the Configuration Portal, you build as many forms as you want to gather information directly from your applicants. Unlike Configuration Portal Questions, Forms can be assigned to your applicants at any time throughout the application cycle. You can also use Forms to build questionnaires for reviewers, interviewers, and recommenders.
Phases Local Statuses Phases are steps within your application review workflow. Like Local Statuses, you can create as many Phases as you like,helps you keep track of where each applicant stands in your review process.
Custom Properties Custom Fields Using properties, you can store, combine, and transform data fields. These properties are attached to Forms, Contact Types, Applicants or Application records.
Roles Work Groups Roles are sets of permissions that you establish for different groups of users. Like Work Groups, you can create as many roles as necessary for users working as reviewers, interviewers, assistants, etc.
Segments Lists Segments allow you to isolate and work with groups of applicants based on the criteria of your choice. Segments also function as Composite Lists, as they allow you to combine other Segments as desired.
Stages Application Status You can use Stages to categorize your applicants and to control what they see or interact with on the applicant side. When configuring each Program, you can create as many Stages as you'd like for applicants to pass through. These differ from WebAdMIT's Application Statuses in that you can create and edit your own Stages.
Tags Clipboard Tags allow you to identify applicants that meet the characteristics of your choice. You can create Tags and associate them with applicants as you see fit. Like the Clipboard, this provides a method of grouping an ad-hoc set of applicants that don't necessarily have a matching element you can query for.

Permissions Comparison

WebAdMIT Permission Details Corresponding Outcomes Permission Notes
API Access Allows users to query WebAdMIT using the API.

Manage Organization Settings

The Manage Organization Settings permission grants access to the Organization, Contacts, and System sections in the Settings menu. The API settings are found in the System section.
Access to CAS Configuration Portal Allows users to log into the Configuration Portal to manage programs. N/A  
Add Notes   Comment on Applications  
Change Local Statuses   Change Application Phase  
Configure Software This permission gives full access to the Management menu in WebAdMIT, essentially making the user an Administrator. N/A Outcomes doesn't have an equivalent permission, but a user in the Administrator Role has access to all available features.
Email Applicants   Send Emails  
Enable Applicant Gateways Where applicable, this permission allows users to enable and disable Applicant Gateway activities. Change Application Stage; Manage Programs These permissions aren't an exact match, but since the Application Stages and Programs dictate which activities an applicant has access to, these permissions work as such.
Manage Assignments and Interviews   N/A In Outcomes, all users with access to Applications can assign work to other users. The Manage Review Forms permission allows you to configure these forms.
Manage Direct Applicants Where applicable, this feature allows users to manually add applicants into WebAdMIT. N/A Applicants can be manually added by...
Manage Lists, Reports, and Exports   Manage Application Segments; Manage Reports; Manage Exports In Outcomes, this ability is separated into three separate permissions.
Manage Uploaded Documents This permission allows users to upload and delete documents on an applicant's record for internal viewing. Edit Application Data; Edit Application Properties Documents can be added by clicking Add Attachment from the more options menu when viewing an application.
Manage Users and Work Groups   Manage Users & Roles  
Modify Applicants' Custom Fields, Local GPAs, Prerequisites, and Requirements   Edit Application Data  
Redirect a Single Applicant Where applicable, this permission allows users to move an applicant from one program to another. N/A In Outcomes, applicants can't be moved from one program to another, but you can add an application to an applicant from the Contacts module.
Request Background Check Where applicable, this permission allows users to submit a request for a background check for an applicant. N/A Background checks are not available through Outcomes.
Update Last Exported Date Timestamp When Exporting Where applicable, this enables applicants' Last Exported Date field to be updated when users run an export. N/A There is no equivalent feature in Outcomes.
Update Last Printed Date Timestamp via PDF Manager Where applicable, this enables applicants' Document Last Printed Date field to be updated when users run a PDF Manager job. N/A There is no equivalent feature in Outcomes.
View All Applicants Allows users to view information for all applicants within the programs they have access to. N/A  
View Background Check Where applicable, this allows users to view an applicant’s background check information N/A Background checks are not available through Outcomes.
View Other User's Assignment/Interview Results Allows users to view any applicant’s Assignments and Interviews on the Applicant Details, Search Assignments, and Search Interviews pages. View Reviews  


Outcomes Permissions with No Equivalent WebAdMIT Permission

Permission Name Notes
Change Application Decision There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature. Decisions are usually associated with Local Statuses.
Edit Application Tags There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Edit Contacts There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Impersonate Applicants There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Impersonate Organization Users There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Inquiry Forms There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Invite Users In WebAdMIT this is done by creating an account.
Manage Application Forms There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Application View Layout & Properties There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Automation Rules There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Collaboration Portals & Modules There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Contact Segments There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Decision Settings Decisions are not editable in WebAdMIT.
Manage Email Settings Email Settings (Email Addresses) are managed by any WebAdMIT Administrator.
Manage Goals There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Portals There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Reference Forms There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Review Forms Assignments are created by WebAdMIT Administrators. Manage Assignments and Interviews allows users to distribute the Assignments.
Manage Review Phases There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Manage Teams There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Personalize Dashboard There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.
Review Applications This permission is granted by default in WebAdMIT.
View Concealed Fields There is no equivalent WebAdMIT feature.