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Navigating an Application

Viewing Applications

From the Applications View, you can select an application to review by clicking on an applicant's name. Note that the configuration here is customizable, so the options you see in your environment may be slightly different. You can edit the layout of this page by going to App Review in the Application Review section of the Settings menu and clicking Manage.


  1. Navigation Menu: click the Outcomes logo to return to the Dashboard. Click the << icon to collapse the Navigation Menu for a larger application viewing area.
  2. Application Header: click Applications to return to the Applications Grid.
  3. Application Navigation: use these arrows to navigate to the previous or next application within the segment you're viewing.
  4. Application Menu: use this pane to jump to different sections of the application. Click the << icon to collapse the menu to allow for a larger viewing area. With some browsers and monitors, this menu may be hidden. When this happens, you can lower your browser's zoom setting to reveal it.
  5. Application Summary: this section gives you a summary of the application you're viewing, with information such as the applicant's Demographics, Contact Information, or other information of your choice.
  6. Application Sections: scroll this area to review Personal Information, Academic History, Supporting Information, and other sections of the application.
  7. Application Tabs: use these tabs to switch between the various pane options. See below for a description of each tab and the More Options button.
  8. Application Stage: where available, review or change the applicant's Application Stage using this drop-down.
  9. Review Phase: review or change the applicant's Review Phase using this drop-down.
  10. Decision: use this drop-down to adjust the applicant's Decision.
  11. Tags: use this area to review, add, or remove Tags from an application.
  12. Information Tab: use this customizable area to review other key applicant information.
Application Tabs
  • Information Tab: review this pane to see the applicant's Application Stage, Review Phase, Decision, Tags, Workflows, and other relevant information.

  • Review Tab: use this pane to enter your review of the applicant. A review form appears here if the applicant is in a phase currently associated with a review.

  • Comments Tab: use this pane to enter and review comments regarding the application, if your permissions allow. All users who have access to view comments can see the comments left here. Any user who adds a comment can also edit it,  even if their permission to add comments is later removed.

  • History Tab: use this pane to review the history of updates made to the application.

  • More Options button: Use the More Options (3-dots) button to perform several other actions on an application. Some options available to you may include: add attachments, review Application Properties, show the application PDF, export the application, generate a decision letter, assign the application to a reviewer, impersonate the applicant, email the applicant, or adjust the Reading Options to change your view. Where available, the option to copy an application allows you to manually assign the application to another program at your institution. This doesn't impact the existing application, and applicants do not receive any notification that you have done this.


Editing Application Information

As described above, applications are divided into several sections. In some instances, you may have an option to modify the contents of some sections using the Edit Pencil.


If your application data is imported from a Centralized Application Service (CAS), any modifications you through the Edit Pencil, including document uploads, are subject to be overwritten the next time data is imported from the CAS. However, sections of the application can be locked to prevent overwritten data. This allows you to make manual changes to things like test scores, citizenship information, or contact information without having your edits overwritten by updated information from CAS. It also allows you to add documents like transcripts or personal statements.

Where applicable, after you click the Edit Pencil, a message asks you to confirm you'd like to prevent automatic CAS updates from overwriting your changes.


After locking a section of the application, you can choose to allow updates again by clicking the lock icon.


When adding documents to the application using this method, we recommend making it clear in the document name that this is an internally added document, or that it is the one to be reviewed (where applicable). To add documents to applications without the possibility of them being overwritten by CAS updates, you can also use the Add Attachment option in the More Options menu seen above.


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