Match Results
How/when do I get my Match results?
You will be able to obtain your Match result directly from the Match website (not the PhORCAS application). Match results are also sent to participating applicants by email. You should review the Schedule of Dates and instructions for obtaining Match results provided on the Match website. The results of Phase I of the Match will be released on March 13, 2024. The results of Phase II of the Match will be released on April 10, 2024.
What happens if I do not match to a position?
Positions available after Phase I of the Match is completed will be offered in Phase II of the Match to applicants who did not obtain a position in Phase I. The list of programs with available positions for Phase II of the Match will be provided on the Match website beginning at 12:00 PM noon Eastern Time on March 13, 2024. Applicants who are not matched to a position in Phase I, as well as applicants who did not participate in Phase I, will be able to use PhORCAS to prepare applications for available positions beginning on March 18, 2024. The Rank Order List deadline for Phase II of the Match is April 3, 2024.
For applicants who do not obtain a position in Phase II of the Match, a list of programs that still have positions available after Phase II of the Match will be provided on the Match website beginning at 12:00 PM noon Eastern Time on April 11, 2024. You will be able to use PhORCAS to prepare your applications to programs that participate in PhORCAS and still have positions available at that time. The recommended date for programs with available positions after Phase II of the Match to begin making offers to applicants is April 17, 2024.
Can I refuse to accept my Match result?
As indicated in the Applicant Agreement which you must accept in order to register for the Match, the Match result constitutes a binding commitment from which you cannot withdraw unless you have a written release from the matched program.