Managing Roles


At your program, you likely have people who are responsible for completing different application processing tasks. To accommodate this, the Program Portal includes a Roles feature. Roles are used to manage:

When you add a user, you select their role.

Managing Roles

The Program Portal includes a set of default roles. You can access these roles from the Settings menu – open the Organization section, then select Roles. The grid displays the default roles and provides an overview of the number of permissions enabled – out of the total number of permissions available – for each role in each module. For example, the administrator role has 12 out of 14 permissions enabled for the App Review module, 7 out of 10 permissions for the App Config module, etc. 

ResidencyCAS Program Portal Roles.png

You can click any role to open and adjust permissions settings (or use the + icon above the grid to create a new role).

ResidencyCAS Program Portal Roles 1.png

Managing Access to Data 

Application Visibility

You can use this feature to limit the applications a role can see and search for to a specific segment. For example, suppose you have a role that should only see applications where an applicant attended a specific degree-granting medical school, such as your residency program's home medical school. You can use the drop-down to find and select the segment (or create a new segment, if needed).

ResidencyCAS Program Portal Application Visibility.png

In this example, we'll select the Applications w/ Home Medical School segment, which is in our Degree-granting Medical Schools category. After adding your segment, be sure to save your changes. 

ResidencyCAS Program Portal Application Visibility 2.png

Data Restrictions (i.e., Data Masking)

You can use this feature to hide specific application information from a role. For example, if you use a blind review process and want to hide potentially bias-inducing characteristics, you can add those restrictions here. 

  1. Click Add restriction

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal App Data Restrictions 1.png
  2. Fields are categorized. In this example, we'll open the Applicant Forms category. 

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal App Data Restrictions 2.png
  3. Next, we'll select the Felony form. 

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal App Data Restrictions 3.png
  4. You can choose to hide individual questions or the entire form (which includes all questions). Then, click Add Form

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal App Data Restrictions 4.png
  5. The restriction now appears in the list. After adding all restrictions, be sure to save your changes. 

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal App Data Restrictions 5.png