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How to Create Frequently Used Segments


Segments allow you to group and manage applicants by common criteria. For example, you can create segments of applicants missing evaluations, applicants with a home town state of NJ, applicants with gold signals, etc. Once you create a segment, you can access it as needed and perform various actions, such as emailing those applicants or moving them into a new phase. 

Below are the steps to create frequently used Segments.

Biographic Segments

Gender Segment

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type Gender in the search bar (you may need to click Show all fields). 
  4. Select Applicant Gender or Sex.
  5. Operation = Is.
  6. Select the Value from the corresponding drop down.
    • Values include Male, Female, Prefer not to disclose, Decline to state.
  7. Click OK and Apply

Gender Segment.

Geographic Segments

Hometown Segment

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type Applicant Birth Location in the search bar (you may need to click Show all fields). 
  4. Select the corresponding country, state, city, as applicable.
    • Note: you only need to complete one prompt for the segment to generate (e.g., state); completing additional prompts (e.g., city and state) is optional unless you require that information for the segment.
  5. Click OK and Apply

Birth Location Segment.

Local Applicant Segment

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type State then select Medical School Attended - School state (you may need to click Show all fields).
  4. Operation = Is Exactly.
  5. Value = the two letter abbreviation for the state, e.g. FL.
  6. Click OK and Apply.

Local Applicant Segment.

Geographic Region Segment

To create a geographic region segment, add the states in that region to the segment builder. For example, to build a west coast regional segment, add CA, OR, and WA.

  1.  Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type Permanent in the search bar and select Permanent Address (you may need to click Show all fields).
  4. Type the two letter state code of the applicable state, e.g., CA.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat these steps to include additional states in the desired region.
    • Note: as you add additional criteria, use the AND/OR operators to configure the segment. 
  7. Click Apply.

Region Segment.

Medical School Segments

Medical School Graduation Year Segment

Find applicants who graduated between a certain set of years, e.g., recent graduates from the years 2021-2024.

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type Degree in the search bar and select Medical Schools Attended - Degree Year (you may need to click Show all fields).
  4. Operation = Contains.
  5. Value = applicable year, e.g., 2021.
  6. Repeat these steps until you add all desired years.
    • Note: as you add additional criteria, use the AND/OR operators to configure the segment. 
  7. Click OK and Apply.


Graduated from (School) Segment

Find applicants who graduated from a specific medical school.

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type Medical School in the search bar and select Medical Schools Attended - Medical School Name (you may need to click Show all fields).
  4. Operation = Contains.
  5. Value = name of medical school, e.g., Wayne State University.
  6. Set the AND/OR operator to AND.
  7. Click Add Criteria.
  8. Select Application Form.
  9. Type Degree in the search bar and select Medical Schools Attended - Degree Status (you may need to click Show all fields).
  10. Operation = Is Exactly.
  11. Value = Degree Awarded.
  12. Click OK and Apply.

Graduated from (insert medical school) Segment.

Miscellaneous Segments

Couples Matching Segment

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type Couples in the search bar (you may need to click Show all fields). 
  4. Select NRMP- Couples Match Status.
  5. Operation = Is.
  6. Value = Yes.
  7. Click OK and Apply.

Couples Matching Segment.

Test Score Segments

USMLE and COMLEX Pass/Fail

This segment displays applicants who have any USMLE or COMLEX failures. 

To add USMLE failures to the segment:

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type USMLE in the search bar and select USMLE  - Pass/Fail Indicator (you may need to click Show all fields).
  4. Operation = Contains.
  5. Value = Fail.
  6. Click OK and Apply.

To add COMLEX failures to the segment:

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Form.
  3. Type COMLEX in the search bar and select COMLEX - Exam Status (you may need to click Show all fields).
  4. Operation = Contains.
  5. Value = Fail.
  6. Click OK and Apply.

Change the operator in the segment from AND to OR. Then, click Apply to apply the segment to your applicant grid.

USMLE or COMLEX transcript failures segment.

USMLE and COMLEX: Minimum Thresholds

This segment displays applicants who either meet, exceed, or fall below a specified threshold for the USMLE Step 2 CK or COMLEX Level 2. 

  1. Click Add Criteria.
  2. Select Application Property, then choose one of the following:
    • Best USMLE Step2CK Result
    • BEST COMLEX Level2-CE Result
  3. Set the operation to either less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to
  4. Enter the threshold value. 
  5. Click OK and Apply

ResidencyCAS Program Portal – USMLE COMLEX Threshold.png


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