Working with Informatica

Informatica Cloud Data Synchronization

The Informatica Cloud Data Synchronization application delivers all of the tools necessary for bi-directional, scheduled integration. All of this is done through an easy-to-use, web-based interface.

An overview of Informatica Cloud Security can be found at

During implementation, your data analyst(s) will receive the training necessary to build an Informatica Data Synchronization (DSS) Task in under an hour.

Benefits of Informatica Cloud Data Synchronization Edit section

  • Intuitive, consistent web-based wizard
  • Automated scheduling of jobs
  • Task Flow sequencing of multiple jobs
  • CRM to CRM integration
  • CRM to Flat File integration
  • Direct access to relational databases
  • Data transformation through a drag and drop web interface
  • Support for Standard and Custom CRM Objects
  • Data pre-look up for complex updates

Standard Integration Strategy Edit section

The standard CRM integration strategy includes:

  • Standard 3rd Party data imports into the CRM - this currently includes SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, Common App, Cappex, NRCCUA, TOEFL, Student Search Services (SSS), etc.
  • Standard CRM export .csv files - these files are delivered, on a scheduled basis, to the client to be imported into the Student Information System (SIS).
  • Standard CRM import .csv files - these files are used to collect SIS data (and other related data) to be imported into the CRM, on a scheduled basis.

Important Notes 

  • Standard CRM integration does not include a direct connection to the Student Information System. If you wish to have direct integration with your SIS, please see your Account Executive for options.
  • Standard CRM integration licensing does not include real-time web services capabilities. However, an upgrade to Informatica Cloud provides that technology. For more information, please see your Account Executive.
  • Standard Third Party data imports are maintained and updated on a yearly basis.

Creating a New Informatica User

  1. Log into the TargetX CRM
  2. Navigate to the Informatica Cloud app (via App Launcher in the top left)
  3.  Click the Integration tab.
  4. Click Single Sign-On - If you see Register instead of Single Sign-On please STOP and contact your TargetX Project Manager if in Implementation or System Admin if live. If you are the Admin, please contact TargetX Support team.  DO NOT click Register.
  5. Under My Services, select Administrator. Once on the Administrator homepage, select Users on the left sidebar.
  6. Select Add User in the top right and enter information for the required fields:
    • First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Phone Number and Email
  7. Switch the Authentication from Native to Salesforce and enter the user’s Salesforce Username. 

Note: This username must match the new user’s Salesforce username to work correctly.

  1. Under Assigned User Groups and Roles, select the appropriate roles and permissions for the individual you add. Our standard approach is to provide users with Admin and Data Viewer access. For more information on roles and permissions to tailor access to your organization’s preference, check out the following Informatica article: System-defined roles.
  2. Once you have confirmed the steps above, click Save. This will trigger an email to the email address you entered for the new user with the verification code needed for the initial login. This verification code will only be valid for 24 hours after being sent.

Note: Use caution when adding users to Informatica as this will give them access to configuration regarding data mappings. Users should be added to Informatica on an as-needed basis.

Updating a lookup field with the associated Parent record in Informatica

  1. To update the Account for records that already exist, you will want to map the CEEB code to the Account/School Name field. 
  2. Then, in the Related Objects button at the top of the Target field List, select the CEEB code field next to the Account

This tells Informatica to look to the CEEB code field on the Account to find a match for the value being mapped to the Account Name lookup field and then creates the relationship.

Moving Informatica Error Files

In most cases, the user running the Informatica imports does not have access to the Directory where the error files are stored. Follow the steps below to implement postprocessing that will:

  1. Copy the error file from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\main\rdtmDir\error directory to C:\Informatica\TargetX\error_reports.
  2. Rename the error file to something more descriptive than s_dss_0010I20I00000000006D_2_error.csv

To implement this, you will need the following components:

  1. A new directory, called error_reports
  2. A Windows Batch File
  3. A postprocessing command in your Informatica Task to call the batch file

Creating the error_reports DirectoryEdit section

  1. Navigate to the directory structure where you typically run your Informatica imports (by default, this is set to C:\Informatica\TargetX)
  2. Create a new folder call "error_reports" (your path will be C:\Informatica\TargetX\error_reports)

Creating the Windows Batch File 

  1. Open a text editor, such as Notepad
  2. Copy the text below into a new txt file
    • @echo off
      set srcDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\main\rdtmDir\error
      set destdir=C:\Informatica\TargetX\error_reports\error_%DATE:/=-%_%TIME::=%.csv
      set lastmod=
      pushd %srcDir%
      for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od 2^>NUL') do set lastmod=%%a
      if "%lastmod%"=="" echo Could not locate files.&goto :eof
      copy "%lastmod%" "%destDir%"
  3. Save the file as a Batch File (.bat), called "move_error_file.bat," in your error_reports directory you just created

Note: You can change the file name to anything you would like. You need to change the text to the left of  _%DATE:/=-%_%TIME::=%.csv on line 4 of the batch file.

Add "move_error_file.bat to Your Postprocessing Command 

  1. Log in to Informatica
  2. Choose the Informatica Task that you would like to apply this process to
  3. Edit the Informatica Task
  4. Go to Step #6
  5. In the Postprocessing Command text box, enter "C:\Informatica\TargetX\error_reports\move_error_file.bat"
  6. The next time this Informatica Task runs, it will call the batch file, and the error file will be copied.