Overview of Enterprise CRM
Manage Relationships functionality is intended to track a student’s connections outside school. Connections to a Spouse, Siblings, or Parents would be created as a connection between two Contacts. Connections to Employers would be created as a connection between a Contact and an Account.
Relationship Type indicates whether the relationship is between an Account and a Contact, or between a Contact and a Contact.
Relationship Category defines the type of relationship represented—for example, Employment, Family, or Success Team. The various categories can be configured to represent the relationships you want to track.
Originating is the contact/account that the relationship originates. If you are managing relationships from a Contact record, this will default to the Contact’s name.
Originating Role is the Role of the Originating contact/account in the relationship.
Related identifies the contact/account to which the Originating contact/account is linked.
Related Role is the Role of the Related contact/account in the relationship.
Other Information will vary depending on the Relationship Category that is selected.
- Active, Starting Year, Stopping Year and Primary will always display.
- The following Relationship Categories will display additional information:
- Board - displays ‘Position’ field.
- Corporate - displays ‘Job Title’ and ‘Department’ fields.
- Education - includes ‘Major,’ ‘Degree,’ and ‘Graduation Year.’
- Employment - includes ‘Job Title’ and ‘Department’ fields.
Relationship validation settings
Relationship Validation settings allow you to determine what validations should occur during Relationship Management.
- Accounts different? When Unchecked, turns off validation rule Accounts_Different, which states that two Accounts in a relationship record cannot be the same record.
- Contacts different? When Unchecked, turns off validation rule Contacts_Different, which states that two Contacts in a relationship record cannot be the same record.
- Relationship_Data_Sanity_Validation When Unchecked, turns off validation rule Relationship_Data_Sanity_Validation, which states that Relationship date fields must be valid and that the start date cannot be before the end date.
Activities and Interests
Activities and Interests can easily be tracked and viewed by a student. Sports, clubs, interests/hobbies, volunteer experience, study abroad, or externship/co-op opportunities can all be tracked as part of a student’s Activities and Interests.
Intended Use |
Examples |
Activities and Interests | sports, clubs, interests/hobbies of any type | Volunteer experience, Study Abroad, Externships/Co-Op, Sports |