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Merging Student Records

To Merge Student Records in Classic

  1. To merge two Student records, they must be associated with the same School/Account record. If necessary, edit the Student records and modify the "School Name" field using the School selector.
  2. Locate the School record with which both Students are associated.
  3. Scroll to the Students section and click Merge Students.
  4. Click the check box next to the two student records you want to merge.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Compare the records and choose the fields you want to keep from either record.
  7. Click Merge after you have made your selections.

TIP: When you merge Student records, all related items for each Student will be appended to the master record. For example, if Student A has one application and Student B has two applications, the merged record will have all three application records associated with it.

To Merge Student Records in Lightning

To merge duplicate student records in Lightning, you must update your Lightning record page and set up Duplicate Rules for your Org. The following Salesforce Help & Training articles provide step-by-step details: 

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