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Working with Images in Email

Saving images to use in your emails

Email template images are stored in the Email Image Library section of the Files tab or Documents tab. If your desired image is not already in your library, you must add it to the library before you can use it in an email template:

To save Images to the Files folder

  1. Navigate to the Files tab.
  2. Click Libraries.
  3. Click on the TargetX Builder - Email Images library.
  4. Click Add Files, then Upload Files.
  5. Ensure that the image meets the recommended dimensions for images and graphics in TargetX Email.
  6. Select the file and select Upload.
  7. Users with access to the Library will now be able to access the image for Email Templates.

Supported Image File Types:

  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • BMP


TargetX email does not automatically update email templates with new file versions. Once you have created a file image and inserted it into an email template, uploading a new version of the image WILL NOT update the image in the template and will break the image. 

  • We recommend uploading all new images as new files in the TargetX Builder - Email Images library. 
  • To make new versions of a file already in use visible, the user must go into any templates where the image is being used, re-select the image file, and re-save the template to update the image. 

To save Images to the Documents folderEdit section

  1. Switch to Salesforce Classic
  2. Navigate to the Documents tab.
  3. Click Email Image Library.
  4. Click the New Document button.
  5. In the "Document Name" field give your image a name.
  6. The "Document Unique Name" field will auto-populate.
  7. Make the image Externally Available Image to be used in Email.
  8. Ensure that the image meets the recommended dimensions for images and graphics in TargetX Email.
  9. Select the file from where it is saved on your computer, or enter the reference URL.
  10. Click Save.

Inserting an Image into an Email Template

  1. Navigate to the Campaign Builder tab.
  2. Select the Templates icon in the bottom navigation bar.
  3. ​In the Templates List window, select to Edit your email template.
  4. In the Layout screen, add Sections to the template.
  5. Select the Image widget in the Content section of the Layout tab.
  6. On the Content tab, select from FileDocument or URL radio buttons.
  7. The File option displays an Image picklist of any items stored in Files.
    1. Manage Images button takes you to the Documents or Files folder in SF where you can upload new images.

Note: If you want to use a URL, you MUST add it directly in the builder.

Select the image from the picklist to insert the image into the template. Note: ​If you selected Files, select Manage Images to navigate to your Salesforce Files folders to add or edit images.

Troubleshooting tips if your image is not displaying

The following conditions can result in an empty widget and cause the image to be hidden in the email preview and the actual email:

  • Buttoncode, or text widget with no content
  • Image and Image Gallery widget with no source URL
  • Image Caption widget with either no source URL or no caption content
  • Social widget with all social media links empty

Supported Image File Types

  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • BMP


TargetX email does not automatically update email templates with new file versions. Once you have created a file image and inserted it into an email template, uploading a new version of the image WILL NOT update the image in the template and will break it. 

We recommend uploading all new images as new files in the TargetX Builder - Email Images library. 

To make new versions of a file already in use visible, the user must go into any templates where the image is being used, re-select the image file, and re-save the template to update the image. 

Embedding animated gifs in Emails or Portals

  1. If you're starting with a video you're converting to a gif, you'll need to crop your video to the few seconds you'd like the gif to show and then convert the video to a .gif file format. There are several free sites that allow you to do this, and professional video and image editing software also have this capability.
  2. Upload your gif to a hosting site; several free sites will allow you to host images publicly. Be cautious of using Google drive for this purpose, though - we've found the location URL to be dynamic, so just because it works at first doesn't mean it will continue to work in perpetuity.
  3. Once uploaded, copy the image address - right-click the image, and then select 'Copy Image Address.'
  4. For Email builder, insert an image content block, and toggle the 'use external image' slider. Paste the Image Address from step 3 into the URL field.
  5. For Portal, insert an image content block, select the URL radio button and paste the Image Address from Step 3 into the Source URL field.

embed gif

Recommended dimensions for images and graphics in TargetX Email

The TargetX Email template designer includes five (5) layout sections in which images can be displayed. When choosing images for each section, please consider the following recommended dimensions for image width:

  • One Column - 600 pixels wide
  • Two Column - 300 pixels wide
  • Three Column - 200 pixels wide
  • 3/4 Column Left or 34 Column Right - 400 pixels wide (larger block), 200 pixels wide (smaller block)

Note: Image height recommendations are not provided as the image will render vertically based on the height specified in the image. The template designer constrains only the width. Please be sure your image heights are not disproportional to your image width. 



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