Enabling Engage notifications

Enabling and disabling SMS notifications in TargetX Engage

  1. Navigate to the Advisor Center.
  2. Click the for the room where you want to configure the Sign-In field.
  3. Click the icon, then click the  icon.
  4. Click the Room Settings icon ( ).
  5. In the Notifications section, deselect the ‘Allow students to receive SMS for activity in this room.’
  6. Save your changes.

Signing up for an Engage meeting and alerts

If TargetX SMS is installed, a student will receive several SMS notifications from TargetX Engage to the number they enter during Check-In:

Once a student registers in Engage, they receive a message with their position in the queue: 

<first name>, you are number <position number> in the queue.

SMS notifications can be enabled/disabled in Room Settings.

Note: Engage does not support incoming messages from students who respond to these automated notifications. I.e., if a student responds to the alert, nothing will happen, and the message won't go anywhere.