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Loading Event Data from a CSV File

Note:  This process uses the Data Loader tool to import .csv data into the CRM. Verify that you have downloaded the Apex Data Loader from Salesforce before attempting to load data: Setup > Administration Setup > Data Management > Data Loader > Download the Data Loader.

The following three objects will be populated (in order) through this process:

  • Organization Event
  • Student (Contact)
  • Contact Schedule Item

Organization Event Id

  1. Create an Event (see Creating and Updating Events).
  2. Copy the Organization Event Id from the URL to a text editor (e.g., Notepad, Wordpad, etc.). You will need to add this Id to your Event .csv file.

Modify your .csv spreadsheet Before Upload

  1. Create a new column in your spreadsheet called "EventID."
  2. Copy and paste the Organization Event Id froprevious prior step to the EventID column for EVERY record in your spreadsheet. This will be used to relate the Student to this specific Event.

Insert/Upsert Student records

  1. Log in to the Data Loader using the following credentials:

  • Username = CRM Username
  • Password = CRM Password + Security Token
  1. Choose the appropriate operation: UPSERT or INSERT.

  • Upsert is used if you have a unique identifier for each student record and will associate your spreadsheet with existing student records and add new ones.
  • Insert will add all records as new. 
  1. Choose the "Student" object and browse for your .csv file.
  2. Click Next.

Note: If performing an UPSERT operation, go to the next step. If you are performing an INSERT operation, skip the next step.

  1. Choose the appropriate external ID field from the "Student" object for Upsert. For example, if you are a Banner user, choose the Banner ID field from the drop-down list. Click Next.
  2. If you are presented with a page to "Choose your related objects," click Next. You do not need to choose anything here.
  3. In the Mapping step, click the Create or Edit Map button.
  4. Drag the appropriate Student related fields from the top Field to the matching field in the bottom box.

Note: Do not map the EventID at this time. You should only be mapping Student related fields.

  1. Choose a directory where you would like the success and error Reports to be written.

IMPORTANT: You will need the success file in the next section, so please put it somewhere that is readily accessible.

  1. Click Finish.

  2. Click Yes to import the records.

Create Contact Schedule Items (Event History Records)

The Contact Schedule Items are the Event History records associated with each Student. After creating the Event and Students, you must create an event record for each Student. You can also add default values for Confirmed, Attended, Cancelled, etc.

  1. Click filethen Insert in the Data Loader menu. You will always use the "INSERT" operation since this .csv file should be new event registrants.
  2. Choose the "Contact Schedule Item" object and the success file from the previous step.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Mapping step, click the Create or Edit Map button.
  5. In the mapping, you must map at least the following fields:
  • TargetX_Events_Contact__c - maps to Id field in the success file
  • TargetX_Events_OrgEvent__c - maps to EventID in the success file
  • Note: If you have added columns in your .csv file, such as Attended, Cancelled, etc., you can map those as well
  1. Click OK.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Choose a directory where you would like the success and error Reports to be written.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Click Yes to import the records.
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