The School Picker is a dynamic auto-complete feature that can be integrated into different sections, empowering users to input a few characters and receive suggested values for selection. In cases where users enter an unrecognized institution, the system will automatically update the records with the label 'Unknown School.' Additionally, the School Picker can be customized to offer a text box, allowing users to provide further details.
You can add the School Picker to your TX Forms and include an Unknown School text field to your TX Form.
The School Picker is an autocomplete field used to enter a School Name. When a user types a School Name, the system autocompletes to find the institution name.
Note: Separate the values with a semicolon to add multiple Filter Values. For example, High School;College
You can configure your form to display a text field for students to enter a School Name if Unknown School is selected for the School Name.
Follow these steps to configure a School Picker field on a Form in Form Assembly.
Note: Your question can be in any format. For example, you may ask "What was the last school you attended?". Whatever your question, look for the number in the "Field Name/Option Value" column associated with that question.
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { makeSchoolpicker("###"); }); </script>
Note: School Picker only uses the Salesforce Site URL, NOT the TFA URL. For instructions on how to build the URL, please see: Building the URL for a Student-Facing Inquiry Form.
$(document).ready(function() { makeSchoolpicker("3"); makeSchoolpicker("7"); }); </script>
$(document).ready(function() { makeSchoolpicker("3","Church"); makeSchoolpicker("7","High School;College"); }); </script>
Click Apply, then click Save.
If you are using EDA, you should always set the School Level to exclude Administrative Accounts:
makeSchoolpicker("7","High School;College");
You can add a WHERE clause to filter the list, display a different Label in place of Account Name or restrict the Max Records displayed by using the following steps:
Note: This update can only occur within Sandbox and then perform a change set to Production in order to save those changes. For additional information, please see Creating and Deploying a Change Set.
private static FINAL String WHERECLAUSE = '(TargetX_SRMb__school_level__c = \'Secondary\' OR TargetX_SRMb__school_level__c = \'Higher\')';
This example filters out records where the School Level field (picklist) is either Secondary or Higher.
Once updated you need to migrate TX_AutocompleteController to production.
private static FINAL Integer MAXRECORDS = 100;
You can display a formula field that is a concatenation of the Account Name, City & State
private static FINAL String LABELFIELD = 'Online_App_Display_Value__c';
Note: Unknown School will always default to appear in the School Picker no matter what you search for, as it is written into the code.
You can choose to include the School Picker on the Self Registration page so that you can assign a staff member and start communicating with applicants as soon as they sign up. By default, the Registration page will NOT include the School Picker but you can enable the School Picker using the following steps:
<!--Uncomment below section to enable school picker→ <!-- <label style="margin-top:60px"> <c:TX_Autocomplete model="{!accountId}" label="School"></c:TX_Autocomplete> </label> -->
<!--Uncomment below section to enable school picker--> <label style="margin-top:60px"> <c:TX_Autocomplete model="{!accountId}" label="School"></c:TX_Autocomplete> </label>
Note: You can add a filter to the School Picker by updating the TX_AutocompleteController.
To REQUIRE the School Picker, see: How to Require the School Picker on the Community Registration Page.
If your institution has implemented the EDA Administrative Accounts model, see the article Updating your Community Registration Site to be compatible with EDA to point the School Picker to the Primary Educational Institution field on the Contact record.
You can make the School Picker a REQUIRED field on the Community Registration Page by completing the following steps:
Note: This update can only occur within Sandbox and then perform a change set to Production to save those changes.
For additional information, please see: Deploying from Sandbox with Change Sets.
//Uncomment below to make school picker required /* if (String.isBlank(accountId)) { ApexPages.Message msg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please Select A School'); ApexPages.addMessage(msg); return null; } */
if (String.isBlank(accountId)) { ApexPages.Message msg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Please Select A School'); ApexPages.addMessage(msg); return null; }