Creating a Portal

Creating a new Portal

  1. Navigate to the TargetX Builder tab.
  2. Select the Portal Builder option.
  3. Click the + in the top right of the window. When you create a new Portal you will need to define the following information:
  1. Select Create to move to the next step in defining layout and content using widgets. Once your portal is created you’ll see it in the list of available portals.  Click the icon to delete , copyor edit the portal.

Configuring your Portal Banner

Configure a banner to add branding to the portal. The banner is persistent across the Portal and cannot be removed. Select the Banner in the Canvas area on the left.Once selected the Content tab on the right will list the information required:

  1. Navigate to the TargetX Builder tab.
  2. Select the Portal Builder option.
  3. Click to edit the Portal where you wish to configure the Banner.
  4. Click on the Title/Subtitle option at the top of the page.
  5. ​The Logo section displayed on the right side panel is where you configure the image that displays in banner:



Note: When defining colors, you can enter a color name(e.g., Black, Red) or a hexadecimal value for the color you want.

  1.  Save your changes.

For details on recommended image dimensions, please see the article Recommended dimensions for images and graphics in TargetX Portal

Defining your Portal Layout

As you build your portal, there are two buttons near the top of the canvas area:
- Click this button to hide or show the portal editing sidebar.  You can view the various tabs created and navigate to links you may have included. 
 - Click this button to preview your portal page.  You will preview the first page of your portal, and clicking the link links will allow you to preview other pages.

Each Portal includes a Banner, Pages and Sections

Defining Sections for your Portal

The Layout tab allows you to define Sections and add Widgets to your Portal.

Each Section of the Portal will display as a tab at the top of your Portal. To create a new page/section, select the Layout tab:

layout tab

  Define a section by choosing the layout: 

Once you’ve added a section, select the section header to define a Section Name

section name

The Section menu in the Canvas area allows you to move, delete, or clone a section of your Portal. Adjust the Section height by defining the Padding Top and Padding Bottom.

You can also set Conditions for the section.

section menu options

Using Merge fields in Portal

Merge Fields allow you to personalize the portal content for users and are available in various locations in the Portal:

Merged fields will display data from the user’s Contact record.

Note: The Portal can include filters from custom objects, but can only include Merge Fields if the Contact object has a lookup field to the custom object; this means you can only display merge fields from one child record. 

To add a merge field:

  1. Select the Add Merge Field link.
  2. Choose a contact field or Lookup.
  3. Select Add.


Using Widgets in your Portal

Several types of widgets are available for use in your Portal. To add a widget, highlight the block in the Canvas to choose a widget:

Portal Builder: Canvas

Note: Once you select a particular widget, you are automatically navigated to the Content tab to enter additional information.                                         

Image widget allows you to specify an image to display in a specified section. Select the section where you want to place an image and select the Image button. Content settings for an Image are:

Please note: The file option is NOT an enhancement to portal functionality, rather this additional option allows for a different way to manage the images that are displayed in portal.



Portal Builder: Text widget content options

For more information, see Writing a condition set in Email, Portal or Group Assignment.

Troubleshooting tips if your image is not displayingEdit section

The following conditions can result in an empty widget and cause the image to be hidden:

  • Buttoncode, or text widget with no content
  • Image, and Image Gallery widget with no source URL
  • Image Caption widget with either no source URL or no caption content
  • Social widget with all social media links empty

Using 'Advanced Widgets' in your Portal

Advanced widgets allow you to connect to other TargetX products such as Events and Online Application.

Supplemental Forms

For a Supplemental Form to be displayed, the following conditions must be met:

  • Application Stage = Submitted
  • Supplemental Form field on Application contains an Application Form.

For more information on Supplemental Forms,  see Supplemental Forms.

  • The App/Checklist widget displays the App list and the App Tracker.
    • You can show the Start New Application button by selecting the Content tab.
    • You can show Started On and Deadline dates by selecting the Content tab.
    • You can show the Start New Application button.

Note: The App/Checklist widget is ONLY available in a 1-column section.

  • When an Application is submitted, you can customize the text displayed by populating the Application Submitted Text field on the Application.

 Note: You can create a Flow to update the Application Submitted Text if you want to default a particular message. 


Using the Recommendation widget

The REC widget lets you display requested Recommendations and associated Recommendation Forms to Recommenders within the Portal. You have the option to display the Application Snapshot as well as define In Progress Display Text and Submitted Display Text. 

Warning: This widget can NOT BE USED on Student-facing Portals.

Recommendation widget

Note: the REC widget will only display if the Online Application package of 17.30011 or higher has been installed.