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TargetX Foundations and Contact Management for CRM-Only Users

Sample Training Objectives

  • Describe Key Terminology by definition
  • Explaining the Data Hierarchy and Data Relationships
  • Navigating the CRM
  • Communicating Internally with Chatter

Training Outline Example

Approximately 2 hours

CRM Basics (30-40 minutes)

  • Overview of the CRM
  • Data Hierarchy and Terminology
  • Navigating the CRM
    • App Launcher
    • Search
    • Favorites
    • General Navigation
  • Chatter

Understanding the Contact Record (45-60 minutes)

  • Review Key Fields
  • Success Scores
  • Review Related Lists
    • Success Team
    • Events/Appointments
    • Activities (Engage Meetings)
    • Academic Profile + Courses
    • Action Plans
  • Advising Records
    • Define record types
    • Taking Action
      • Open/Close Alerts, Referrals, Kudos, Holds
  • Advising Notes

Training Activity Examples

Present the following scenarios and have participants think through and perform the correct action. (The steps to follow are in the End User Slide deck)

  • A student calls with questions, and you want to look them up.
  • A student contacts you to share that they have moved.
  • It’s time for your appointment with a student. Look them up in the CRM so you can get a sense of their current status and review any open issues.
  • You want to schedule a task for yourself to follow up with the student in 3 weeks to ensure they received the assistance they needed.
  • The due date for your follow-up has arrived. You contacted the student and want to complete the task in the CRM.
  • You notice that after the week has passed that the student still hasn’t completed their action items. Time to follow up.

Supplemental Materials

Definitions of wildcards and operators you can use in Salesforce search to broaden or narrow your possible results.

Details how to set up and configure roll-up fields using the TargetX Profile Builder (also called Source to Master) tool. This tool allows you to mirror data stored on the Enrollment History object, Test Object, Inquiry Object and Application Object into roll-up fields on the Contact/Student Object. For example, if the student has multiple applications, this allows you to display the most recent application decision on the Contact object.

Internal guide with instructions for common error resolutions and other general Support information.

End-User Training PowerPoint Template 


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