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Sample Retention Suite Training Agenda

CRM Basics (30-40 minutes)

  • Overview of the CRM
  • Data Hierarchy and Terminology
  • Navigating the CRM
    • App Launcher
    • Search
    • Favorites
    • General Navigation
  • Chatter

Understanding the Contact Record (45-60 minutes)

  • Review Key Fields
  • Success Scores
  • Review Related Lists
    • Success Team
    • Events/Appointments
    • Activities (Engage Meetings)
    • Academic Profile + Courses
    • Action Plans
  • Advising Records
    • Define record types
    • Taking Action
      • Open/Close Alerts, Referrals, Kudos, Holds
  • Advising Notes

 Advisors + Advising: SSC-Primary Users

Approximately 1 - 1.5 hours

Student Success Center

  • Logging Into the CRM
  • Intro to SSC + Navigation
  • Using your Dashboard
  • Searching for Students
    • “Roles”
    • Filtering
  • Understanding Student Details
    • Profile
    • Activity + Other Records
    • Success Scores
    • Success Team
  • What you can’t see → Get into CRM/Student
  • Taking Action(s)
    • Types of Actions
    • How they are created
    • Advising
    • Closing Open Records

Faculty Alerts: Faculty Users

Approximately 30 minutes

Creating Faculty Alerts and Kudos
  • Accessing Rosters
  • Notifications
  • Creating Alerts/Kudos
    • Ad-Hoc + Groups
    • Alert/Kudo Comment Best Practices o Student Notifications
    • Advisor Notifications
  • Once Alerts/Kudos are closed

Events and Appointments

Approximately 1.5 - 2 hours

Event Management (60 minutes)

  • Registrant Experience
    • How students register
    • Registration, Confirmation
    • Cancellation
  • Events in the CRM
    • Terminology
    • Data Architecture
  • Event Lifecycle
    • Event Planning and Creation (incl. exercises)
    • Registering Contacts for Events
    • Checking in your Registrants

Appointment Scheduler (60 minutes)

  • Registrant Experience
    • How students register
    • Registration, Confirmation
    • Cancellation
  • Staff Experience
    • Setting your Profile
    • Specifying Availability
      • Optional: Calendar Integration
    • Managing Appointments (incl. exercises)
      • Registration
      • Cancellation
      • Notifications

TargetX Engage

Approximately 30 minutes - 1 hour

  • Engage Overview
  • Student Experience
  • Creating Rooms
  • Sharing Rooms
  • Holding Meetings
    • Best practices for notes


Approximately 30 minutes - 1 hour

  • Surveys Overview
  • Creating a survey
  • Sharing the survey
  • Reviewing survey responses


Reports and Dashboards (1 of 2)

Review (15-20 minutes)

  • Review Data Architecture + key objects/ fields
  • Review Activity

Reports (60-70 minutes)

  • Reports Navigation
    • Folder Structure, Favorites, Searching
    • Who sees what? How can I share?
  • Report Planning
    • What’s a report type and why should I care?
    • How to identify your report type
  • Common Report Types and Use Cases
    • Including reports for email campaigns
  • Reporting Features
    • Filter Logic and grouping data

Dashboards (30-40 minutes)

  • Dashboard use cases
  • Dashboard navigation + sharing
  • Pieces of Dashboards
    • Components + Use Cases
  • Limitations/Governance

Reports (2 of 2)

Review (15-20 minutes)

  • Review Data Architecture + key objects/ fields
  • Review Activity

Reports (45-60 minutes)

  • Report Planning Exercises
  • Report Building Exercise

Broadcast Email

TargetX Email Management (90 minutes)

  • Campaign Builder Navigation
    • Naming Conventions
  • Template Creation (incl. exercise)
    • Relationship to reports
    • Conditional Content (incl. exercise)
  • Creating Campaigns
    • Key Settings
    • Scheduling
      • Immediate vs. Once
      • Updating vs. Stopping and Re-Starting
  • Email Data
    • Viewing Email Data in CRM


Approximately 45 minutes

  • Access + Navigation
  • Adding Reports
  • Adding Message Templates
    • Sending Messages
    • Multiple inboxes o 1:1 Texts
    • Bulk Texts
  • The Contact Experience
  • SMS Best Practices


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