TargetX Communication Planner
Sample Training Objectives
- Understand the difference between TargetX email and Salesforce email
- Create New/Modify Existing Templates
- Execute campaign setup based on needs
- i.e. Appropriately create Tracks and Steps
- Create Reports for Communication Plans
- Locate where to see campaign/broadcast performance
- Identify how to tell if individuals have received emails
Training Outline Example
Approximately 2 hours
TargetX Communication Planner Management (90 minutes)
- Communication Planner Navigation
- Naming Conventions
- Creating Folders
- Template Creation (incl. exercise)
- Conditional Content (incl. exercise)
- Saved Row (incl. exercise)
- Creating Campaigns
- Tracks - Drip Track vs. Fixed Date
- Steps
- Activity Center
- Reports
Supplemental Materials
- Creating Folders and Templates
- Using Contact Child Objects in Communication Planner
- Creating Campaigns
- Creating Reports for Communication Plans
- Reviewing Student Email Activity