This page applies to Time2Track institutional administrators.
Time2Track is a tool used for tracking, verifying, and managing experiences. Individuals, including trainees, interns, postgraduates, and professionals, use Time2Track to track the details of these experiences. Organizations, graduate programs, and training sites can monitor their trainees' progress and generate training reports.
If you're new to Time2Track and need to set up your account, follow the steps below. Any item listed as required must be completed for Time2Track to work. As you work through these steps, reference our frequently asked questions and contact customer service if you need any assistance.
Step # |
Actions |
Notes and Considerations |
1 |
If you haven’t already done so, you need to set up your institutional administrator account. You'll use this account to complete the remaining steps and to manage trainees. To set up your account, use the link provided in the automated email that was sent directly from Time2Track. If you haven't received this, check your spam folder before contacting customer service. |
2 |
Review the Glossary (required) |
It's important you familiarize yourself with common Time2Track terminology before you set up your account. |
3 |
Create and Send Trainee Signup Instructions (required) |
Trainees must sign up for Time2Track on their own. As the institutional administrator, you'll need to create signup instructions for trainees. Before you send any instructions, make sure they include all the key information your trainees will need. |
4 |
Once all of your trainees have set up their accounts, you can use your institutional administrator account to monitor their progress. |