Semester and Annual Checklist
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This page applies to Time2Track institutional administrators.
Transitioning between semesters means a few quick updates in Time2Track. This checklist can help you make sure your Time2Track account is up and ready for the next semester. Note that you can use the checkboxes below to record your progress.
End-of-Semester Wrap-up Tasks
These tasks should generally be completed at the close of each semester and/or academic year.
Confirm all necessary activities have been submitted by trainees and approved by supervisors.
Confirm all forms and evaluations have been completed.
Approve all forms and evaluations (this prevents forms and evaluations from being edited in the future).
Export any relevant semester data via Analytics.
New Semester Preparation Tasks
These tasks should be completed at the beginning of each semester.
- Add new training sites to Time2Track.
- Mark training sites you are no longer using as "inactive."
- Add new supervisors to Time2Track (and don’t forget to attach them to a training site).
- Mark supervisors you are no longer working with as "inactive."
Update terms (if applicable)
- Add a new term.
- Mark new terms as "Active" and "Current term."
Remind trainees to create new placements (if applicable)
- Returning trainees will need to create a new placement if their course, training site, primary supervisor, or term has changed. Trainees should not use the same placement and update the term.
Send account setup instructions to new trainees (if applicable)
Renewal Account Tasks
These tasks are generally completed toward the end of your first subscription cycle (typically one year).
Complete the subscription renewal order form
- You'll receive an email reminder 60 days before your anticipated subscription start date. The total number of subscriptions you order should reflect the amount needed for new and continuing trainees.
Sign the sales order and pay the invoice
- These are emailed to you after your order is processed. Authorization keys are released when the payment is received.
Review renewal and student instructions email
- This is sent from Client Success once payment is received.
Send returning trainees instructions to update their subscriptions.
Send new trainees sign-up instructions.
Complete the new semester preparation tasks above.