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Reviewing Your Summary of Practicum Experiences

This page applies to AAPI applicants.

The Summary of Practicum Experiences summarizes the hours you entered in Time2Track.

  • If you already have a Time2Track account, the Summary of Practicum Experiences includes all the hours you entered in the Activities tab, plus any hour adjustments you make in the Practicum Hours tab. Note that only hours accrued up to October 1 of the current year are automatically included from the Activities tab.
  • If you're new to Time2Track, the Summary of Practicum Experiences will include only the information you enter in the Practicum Hours tab. You should only enter hours up to October 1 of the current year.

Note that once you connect your AAPI application with Time2Track, any hours you previously listed under the Practicum Hours will automatically appear under the AAPI tab.

Review each section carefully to verify these experience totals and add additional information where required. If you need to make any edits, return to Activities and/or Practicum Hours. If you need additional assistance, review Troubleshooting Summary of Practicum Experiences.

Most sections require you to take additional action (e.g., entering additional information). You'll be finished with the Summary of Practicum Experiences once each of the following sections is completed, indicated by a checkmark.

Terminal Master's Information

If you entered practicum hours for a terminal master’s degree, you must complete this section.

Intervention Experience

For the Total Hours Face-to-Face columns, each hour of a group, family, or couple's session is counted as one practicum hour. For example, a two-hour group session with 12 adults is counted as two hours. Provide additional details and comments, as necessary.

For the # of Different columns, count a couple, family, or group as one unit. For example, meeting with a group of 12 adults over a ten-week period for two hours per week counts as 20 hours and one group. Groups may be closed or open membership but, in either case, count the group as one group.

Consultation activities may count as practicum hours only to the extent that this activity involves actual clinical intervention. Direct consultation with the client (e.g., individual, family, organization) or an agent of the client (e.g., parent, teacher) would be an activity you would include in this section. Consultation activities with other professionals regarding coordination of care (e.g., psychiatrist), without the client/patient present, should be reported in the Support Activities section.

Psychological Assessment Experience

You must enter the estimated total number of face-to-face client contact hours administering psychodiagnostic and neuropsychological instruments and providing feedback to clients/patients.

Do not include:

  • Activities of scoring and report writing; instead, include them in the Support Activities section.
  • Any practice administrations including those for classes.
  • Testing experience accrued in a non-practicum setting. You can list testing experience accrued in a non-practicum setting in the Non-Practicum Clinical Experience section of the AAPI application and in your Curriculum Vitae.
  • If you only administered a subtest(s), do not endorse the full test in this section. Instead, identify the specific subtest in the Other Measures section.

Provide additional details and comments, as necessary.

Adult Assessment Instruments

You must manually enter all adult assessment instrument information. If you are an existing Time2Track user, you can find your previously entered assessments in the Assessments tab.

Indicate all psychological assessment instruments you administered to actual patients/clients (first two columns) or research participants in a practicum or clinical research setting sanctioned by your doctoral program as a relevant training experience (third column) by October 1. If the person you assessed was not a client, patient, or clinical research participant, do not include this experience in this summary. Do not include any practice administrations. Use the Other options to include additional instruments for any tests not listed.

For each instrument that you used, specify the following information:

  • Number Clinically Administered/Scored: the number of times that you both administered and scored the instrument in a clinical situation (i.e., with an actual client/patient).
  • Number of Clinical Reports Written with this Measure: the number of these instruments for which you also wrote a clinical interpretive report integrating data from each measure.
  • Number Administered as Part of a Research Project: the number of instruments that you administered as part of a research project.

Note: for each administration, only endorse it as either a clinical or research administration as the categories are meant to be mutually exclusive.

Child and Adolescents Assessment Instruments

Complete this section in a similar manner to the Adult Assessment Instruments section.

Integrated Reports

If you are an existing Time2Track user, your integrated report totals are prepopulated from the Assessments tab. When you change your totals in the Summary of Practicum Experiences page or Assessments tab, your integrated report totals will automatically update in the other location.

Enter the number of supervised integrated psychological reports you have written for adults and children/adolescents. An integrated report includes:

  • A review of history,
  • Results of an interview, and
  • At least two psychological tests from one or more of the following categories:
    • Personality assessments (objective and/or projective).
    • Intellectual assessments.
    • Cognitive assessments.
    • Neuropsychological assessments.

Supervision Received

Supervision can be provided by licensed psychologists, licensed allied mental health providers (e.g., social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychiatrists), and advanced doctoral students or postdoctoral fellows whose supervision is supervised by a licensed psychologist. Supervision activity involves a formal evaluative component, and may include both supervision received as an individual (i.e., one-to-one) and within a group. Supervision that you have provided to less advanced students should not be recorded in this section, and may instead be reported in the Intervention Experience section.

Individual supervision is defined as regularly scheduled, one-on-one, face-to-face supervision with the specific intent of overseeing the psychological services rendered by the supervisee. Group supervision is defined as regularly scheduled, face-to-face supervision with multiple supervisees, with the specific intent of overseeing the psychological services rendered by the supervisees. Considering COVID-19's impact, please include individual or group supervision that has occurred via video-conferencing or telephone in your supervision tallies.

Enter any comments, if applicable.

Additional Information About Practicum Experiences

Specify your practicum experience with diverse populations in a professional therapy/counseling/assessment capacity. Indicate the number of clients seen for assessment and intervention for each of the diverse populations listed. You may not have information for some of your clients/patients on some of the items, so only indicate the information that is known.

Please note that this section is not intended to thoughtlessly categorize the clients/patients you have seen in a one-dimensional fashion. Instead, it is intended to provide those reviewing your application a general sense of the amount of clinical and assessment experience you have had with persons from various diverse populations. It is understood that human beings are much more complex than a single demographic criteria, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

For this section, you can include a single client/patient in more than one category and/or more than one column, as appropriate. For families, couples, and groups, please count each individual as a separate client/patient.

Provide additional details and comments, as necessary.

Support Activities

Enter activities spent outside the counseling/therapy hour while still focused on the client/patient (e.g., performing chart review, writing progress notes, consulting with other professionals, case conferences, case management, video/audio review of recorded sessions, assessment interpretation and report writing, etc.). This also includes participation in didactic training held at the practicum site (e.g., grand rounds, seminars).

Provide additional details and comments, as necessary. We strongly recommend highlighting the most clinically-relevant activities at the top of your Support Activities list. For example, engaging in text-based therapies and deliberate practice activities with virtual patients are highly, clinically-relevant activities that, while cannot be included in the intervention section, should be prominently highlighted here.


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