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Manage Your Custom Activity Types

This page applies to Time2Track trainees.

You can create custom activity types to better define your experiences, such as the specific ways you engage at your organization. Custom activity types are especially helpful if you have limited standard activity type options in Time2Track. For example, you may:

  • Perform a specific type of assessment of programs or projects, such as quantitative analysis.
  • Perform a specific type of therapy, such as Grief Therapy or Play Therapy.
  • Engage in a specific type of direct service, such as distributing food at a food pantry or leading a game with children.

Note that all custom activity types must be linked to a standard activity type.

Create a Custom Activity Type

  1. Click Activities.
  2. Click Custom Activity Types.
  3. Click Add a Custom Activity Type.
  4. Enter the activity type name (e.g., Quantitative Analysis, Play Therapy, Food Pantry, etc.).
  5. Select a standard activity type from the drop-down, related to your custom activity type. This helps map your custom activity types when running reports.
  6. Click Save.

Edit a Custom Activity Type

When updating a custom activity type, all activities associated with that custom activity type are immediately updated as well with the new information. Additionally, if you change the linked standard activity for a custom activity type, any activities associated with that custom activity type are automatically unapproved. You must resubmit those activities for approval.

  1. Click Activities.
  2. Click Custom Activity Types.
  3. Under the Name column, click your activity type name.
  4. Update your activity type name and activity type.
  5. Click Save.

Delete a Custom Activity Type

When deleting a custom activity type, the custom name is automatically removed from all activities associated with that custom activity type. The standard activity type selected in the custom activity type is applied instead.

  1. Click Activities.
  2. Click Custom Activity Types.
  3. Click the trash icon.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete this custom activity type.

Use Custom Activity Types

When selecting your activity type for activities, your custom activity type displays under the standard activity type you linked it to.

Custom Activity Types in Reports

All custom activity types are included in reports. A Consolidate Custom Types checkbox appears for both the Activity Summary and Combined Summary reports:

  • If selected, your custom activity type data is combined with the associated, standard activity types.
  • If not selected, your custom activity type data is listed separately from the associated, standard activity types.
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