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High School Academic Information

This section is optional.

Additional High School Academic Information

  1. Enter your high school cumulative GPA (i.e., total GPA of all high school coursework taken thus far).
  2. Enter your current class rank, if available (e.g., 401/579). If no class rank is available, leave this field blank.
  3. Enter your weighted GPA (i.e., the total GPA of all coursework including AP, IB, etc. courses. If your high school does not calculate a weighted GPA, leave this field blank.
  4. Enter your weighted class rank, if available (e.g., 423/579). If your high school does not provide a weighted class rank, leave this field blank.
  5. Enter additional information in the text box, as needed, including any comments regarding your coursework or GPA that you want the admissions office to review.
  6. Click Save and Continue.

Smarter Balanced (SBAC) Test Scores

  1. Enter your SBAC English test date.
  2. Select your English score.
  3. Enter your SBAC Math test date.
  4. Enter your Math score.
  5. Click Save and Continue.

HiSET Test Scores

  1. Enter your Language Arts-Writing test date.
  2. Enter your Language Arts-Writing score.
  3. Enter your Mathematics test date.
  4. Enter your Mathematics score.
  5. Click Save and Continue.

GED Test Scores

  1. Enter your Reasoning Through Language Arts test date.
  2. Enter your Reasoning Through Language Arts score.
  3. Enter your Mathematical Reasoning test date.
  4. Enter your Mathematical Reasoning score.
  5. Click Save and Continue.


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