This section is optional.
- Enter your high school cumulative GPA (i.e., total GPA of all high school coursework taken thus far).
- Enter your current class rank, if available (e.g., 401/579). If no class rank is available, leave this field blank.
- Enter your weighted GPA (i.e., the total GPA of all coursework including AP, IB, etc. courses. If your high school does not calculate a weighted GPA, leave this field blank.
- Enter your weighted class rank, if available (e.g., 423/579). If your high school does not provide a weighted class rank, leave this field blank.
- Enter additional information in the text box, as needed, including any comments regarding your coursework or GPA that you want the admissions office to review.
- Click Save and Continue.
Smarter Balanced (SBAC) Test Scores
- Enter your SBAC English test date.
- Select your English score.
- Enter your SBAC Math test date.
- Enter your Math score.
- Click Save and Continue.
HiSET Test Scores
- Enter your Language Arts-Writing test date.
- Enter your Language Arts-Writing score.
- Enter your Mathematics test date.
- Enter your Mathematics score.
- Click Save and Continue.
GED Test Scores
- Enter your Reasoning Through Language Arts test date.
- Enter your Reasoning Through Language Arts score.
- Enter your Mathematical Reasoning test date.
- Enter your Mathematical Reasoning score.
- Click Save and Continue.