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University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges Application Fees


If you are a non-resident applicant, University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges charges a processing fee of $25 for each program you apply to. Note that all application fees are non-refundable.

For more information on submitting payments and the University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges refund policy, refer to the Submitting and Completing Your University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges Application section.

Coupon Codes

Some programs provide coupons that offset application fees. If you received a coupon code from your program, use the information below to apply it to your payment.

Note that you cannot redeem a program’s coupon code after you submit your application to them. Additionally, if you miss a program deadline due to waiting for a coupon code, you must request a deadline extension from your program, not University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges.

Using a Coupon Code

You can apply your coupon code(s) when you are ready to submit your application.

  1. Click the Submit Application tab at the top of the application.
  2. Click Submit, or to submit to more than one program, click Submit All.
  3. On the payment page, enter the coupon code(s) you received from the program(s) under Apply Coupon.
  4. Click the Apply Coupon button.
  5. Complete the rest of the payment details pages.

Note the following:

  • When a coupon code equals the total transaction amount, you don’t need to enter additional payment information.
  • When a coupon code is less than the total transaction amount, you'll need to enter payment information for the additional balance.
  • When a coupon code is more than the total transaction amount, you don’t need to enter additional payment information. However, you'll forfeit the remaining balance offered by the coupon code, as University of Hawaiʻi Community Colleges will not issue credits or carry remaining balances forward.
  • Coupon codes cannot be applied to chargeback fees.

If you used a coupon code when submitting to a program, the code will be listed under Payment History.


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