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AACOMAS Program User Guide

This guide provides you with documentation, reference guides, and direct links that answer common admissions questions about the AACOMAS Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, Liaison Outcomes, and WebAdMIT. It also contains resources that may help you work more efficiently throughout your admissions process. If you have additional questions or need further assistance, please contact a member of your account team.

Cycle Timeframes

Applicant Portal

The Applicant Portal opens in early May and closes in mid-June. You can view the specific cycle dates, including final processing dates (e.g., last date to submit transcripts, last date to request letters of recommendation, etc.), on the AACOMAS Application Cycle Dates page.

Configuration Portal

Between early January and late March, configurations are entered into the prelaunch environment. The account team and AACOM review submitted configurations in April.

Liaison Outcomes/WebAdMIT

You can view new applicants and initiate a transfer settings shortly after the new cycle opens in early May.

Program Participation Requirements

AACOM requires all programs to designate two contacts at your institution who will receive all communication from AACOM and AACOMAS, including the configuration, application, and Liaison Outcomes/WebAdMIT launch notifications.

Applicant Portal

The first three sections of the AACOMAS application (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, and Supporting Information) compose the core application. They contain questions that are commonly asked of applicants across all participating programs, such as an applicant's biographic information, standardized test scores, and experiences. The fourth section of the application is Program Materials, which is customized by you through the Configuration Portal (discussed in the next section).

You can access the AACOMAS application and AACOMAS Applicant Help Center to review the applicant experience. You can also create a test application in the Applicant Portal; we recommend creating a new account and adding "test" to your name (e.g., TestJohn TestDoe).

For a general overview of the applicant experience, review the following documents:

You can direct any applicant inquiries related to the application to AACOMAS Customer Service.

Configuration Portal

Use the Configuration Portal Quick Start Guide to make sure you configure your program(s) efficiently and completely in the prelaunch environment. Be sure to check out your CAS's configuration options and review the best practices found throughout. If any optional sections of the application are required for your program (e.g., experiences, test scores, etc.), you'll want to note this on your program home page.

Once you've configured your program, you'll need to have it approved by the account team and AACOM before it is available to applicants. If your program is reviewed after the cycle launches, AACOM will approve it.


Review the WebAdMIT Help Center for any questions related to working in WebAdMIT. The Reference Guides and WebAdMIT Training and Support sections are additional resources as you configure WebAdMIT for your needs. Documents commonly requested include:

The Release Notes feature new enhancements in the Applicant Portal, Applicant Gateway, Configuration Portal, Liaison Letters, and WebAdMIT, in addition to upcoming training opportunities.

For any questions, contact the Client Support Specialist Team.

Cycle Enhancements


The table below contains enhancements for AACOMAS for the cycle timeframes noted at the top of this page. Note that some sections have multiple enhancements. If an action is required by participating programs to use the enhancement, click the links under Enhancement Details to learn more. Additional enhancements may have been automatically released; review the Release Notes to learn more.



Enhancement Details



Applicant Portal


The secondary application fee increased to $60. The initial application fee remains $198.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

CAS Applicant Portal

Personal Information – Contact Information

Applicants can enter an alternate email address in the Alternate Email field.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

CAS Applicant Portal

Personal Information – Other Information

The Military Status and Military Discharge question blocks have been combined into one. If the applicant does not have any military history, then the related military questions do not appear.

The Medical School History question has been moved above the Denied Readmission question.

The COVID-19 Impacts question was removed.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

CAS Applicant Portal

Academic History – MCAT Scores

The MCAT Scores questions were moved from the Personal Information – Other Information section to the Academic History quadrant.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

CAS Applicant Portal

Academic History – Standardized Tests

Applicants can no longer self-report their ACT or SAT scores.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch


Applicant Details Page

Email Templates

Export Manager

List Manager

The Title field is no longer collected in the application and will be removed from WebAdMIT. You will need to update any lists, exports, emails, and other integrations to account for this field removal.

Action required by all participating programs.

Available at cycle launch


Applicant Details Page

Export Manager

List Manager

The Refugee answer option was removed from the Visa Information question in the application; the correct option, I-94 Refugee, remains available. You should update any lists, exports, and other integrations to account for this answer option removal.

Action required by all participating programs.

Available at cycle launch


The table below contains enhancements for AACOMAS for the cycle timeframes noted at the top of this page. Note that some sections have multiple enhancements. If an action is required by participating programs to use the enhancement, click the links under Enhancement Details to learn more. Additional enhancements may have been automatically released; review the Release Notes to learn more.



Enhancement Details



Applicant Portal


The secondary application fee increased to $57. The initial application fee remains $198.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

Applicant Portal

My Profile

If a CAS has a custom question in the first three quadrants (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, and Supporting Information) or Extended Profile section, then the question can be configured to be internal only, meaning that that question and answers will not be sent to other portals such as the CAS API and WebAdMIT.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

Applicant Portal

Personal Information – Release Statement

Applicants can edit their responses to questions in the Release Statement section after submitting their application. This includes the:

  • Advisor Release
  • Text Message Authorization

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

Applicant Portal

Academic History – Transcript Entry

Applicants can view instructions when entering their coursework details.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch

Configuration Portal

Program Details

Two new program attributes were added:

  • Targeted number of seats for the incoming class
  • Targeted number of interviews for the next cycle

Action required by participating programs choosing to use this enhancement.

Available now

Liaison Letters Delegates Recommenders (i.e., evaluators, references) can designate assistants or "delegates" to help them submit their letters of recommendation on their behalf through Liaison Letters. Recommenders are still responsible for writing an applicant’s letter of recommendation. No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. Available now


Export Manager

The Teaching Job Title field was disabled.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch



The Offers Made and Matriculated Elsewhere screens were enabled.

No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement.

Available at cycle launch


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