Release 8 – August 27, 2023

New Features and Enhancements

CAS Application Enhancements

Liaison's suite of portals work together to help you collect and manage applications. The CAS application, also referred to as the CAS Applicant Portal, is the system where applicants find and apply to your programs. You receive these applications in WebAdMIT or Liaison Outcomes, where you perform your review processes. The appearance of your program and your requirements are customized in the CAS Configuration Portal, where you establish the program-specific elements that your applicants will interact with. Additionally, your program may use one or more of the following tools and platforms:

  • API: a data integration tool.
  • CAS Analytics by Liaison and Othot: advanced analytics solutions and data reporting tools.
  • CAS Applicant Gateway: a platform for applicants who have already submitted their CAS application to complete and upload additional materials requested by their programs.
  • CAS Liaison Letters: a platform for evaluators to submit their letters of recommendation.
  • Enrollment Marketing and TargetX: customer relationship management (CRM) systems for student lifecycle management.
  • Living Profile: a platform where students can connect their academic pursuits with their career aspirations.
  • SlideRoom: a platform for collecting digital portfolios.
  • Time2Track: a platform for tracking, verifying, and managing experiences.
   Organization-level Change Deadline and Program Availability Rules

This enhancement must be approved by the CAS association or UniCAS client for use in the next cycle. CAS association and UniCAS clients: contact your Account Manager for more information or to enable this feature.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Question rules allow you to define how applicants interact with questions and answer options. The Change Deadline and Program Availability rules can now be built at the organization level, meaning that they can be applied to some or all programs under an organization. This enhancement saves you time, as you can configure a Change Deadline or Program Availability rule once for an organization instead of multiple times for each program you offer.

Be aware that organization-level Question Rules must be built on Extended Profile or organization-level questions only.

Configuration Portal

A new Organization Rules section appears when editing organizations in the Configuration Portal. From this page, you can add a Change Deadline or Program Availability rule and select which programs you want to apply it for. By default, all programs will be selected, and you can remove any that you don’t want the rule to apply to.

   Internal-only CAS Custom Questions

This enhancement must be approved by the CAS association or UniCAS client for use in the next cycle. CAS association and UniCAS clients: contact your Account Manager for more information or to enable this feature.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

If a CAS has a custom question in the first three quadrants (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, and Supporting Information) or Extended Profile section, then the question can be configured to be internal only, meaning that that question and its answers will not be sent to other portals such as the CAS API, WebAdMIT, and Outcomes. This enhancement allows CASs to continue to collect data while restricting who can view it. To request reports on the data, contact support.

Analytics by Liaison

You can still access internal-only questions and answers in reports if they are custom questions mapped to Analytics. Check with your account manager for details.

Applicant Portal

Applicants can answer internal-only questions and view their responses in the full application PDFs they download from the Applicant Portal.


Internal-only questions and answers are not accessible in the CAS API.

Liaison Outcomes

Internal-only questions and answers are not accessible in Outcomes.


Internal-only questions and answers are not accessible in WebAdMIT or the full application PDFs you download from the Applicant Details page.

   Annual Fall 2023 Lookup Updates

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Many fields in the Applicant Portal contain predefined answer values that applicants can select; for example, the Country and County fields both have predefined answer values. These values are housed in shared "lookup tables." Periodically, we update these tables to include additional response options.

These lookup table updates impact the following portals, some of which you may use. If you created a "crosswalk" from our portals to your local data in your SIS/CRM, you may need to update this crosswalk for the newly added options. For guidance on optimal implementation of the new values, review the Shared Lookup Table Updates page.

   Instructions on Transcript (Coursework) Entry Page

This enhancement must be approved by the CAS association or UniCAS client for use in the current cycle. If activated, this enhancement is available for all participating programs. CAS association and UniCAS clients: contact a member of your account team for more information or to enable this feature.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

When applicants enter their coursework on the Transcript Entry page, they can view instructions on the main page, but not on the page where they manually enter their coursework details. With this enhancement, instructions can now be added to help guide the applicant as they enter their coursework details. This improves the applicant’s experience as they can more easily be alerted to best practices, tips, and links to the Applicant Help Center.

Applicant Portal

Applicants can view instructions where they enter their coursework details.

RN App Portal Transcript Instructions.png

WebAdMIT Enhancements

   Program Automatically Selected in Templates for CASs with One Program per Organization

This enhancement is for CASs that have one program per organization, and it must be approved by the CAS association or UniCAS client for use in the current cycle. If activated, this enhancement is available for all participating programs. CAS association and UniCAS clients: contact a member of your account team for more information or to enable this feature.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Some CASs are built where schools offer only one program per organization (e.g., AACOMAS, ADEA AADSAS, PharmCAS, etc.) or most organizations only offer one program (e.g., ATCAS, CASPA, OTCAS, etc.). If you participate in either one of these CAS types and only have one program, then WebAdMIT can automatically activate features for your single program. Note that if your organization offers multiple programs within a CAS, then this feature does not apply to you.

When you create templates where you must select a program (e.g., Local Statuses, Custom Fields, etc.), then your program will automatically be selected. Additionally, if you create a new admission user account, your program will automatically be selected. This enhancement alleviates the work of selecting your single program when you create admissions users or features.

This enhancement also allows you to create features in WebAdMIT before either your program is moved to production (i.e., live in the application) or a Transfer Settings is run, as your program will automatically be selected once your program is moved to production.

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

   Reorder Scoring Components

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

The Scoring feature in WebAdMIT allows you to score and rank applicants based on institutional rating policies. With this enhancement, you can now reorder the scoring components within a Scoring Model, and your sort order appears on the Scoring Manager and Applicant Details page. This allows you to specify how you want the scoring components to be listed (e.g., chronological within the admissions review process, priority, etc.).

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

   Admissions Uploaded Document Fields in List Manager and Export Manager

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

If desired, you can upload documents to the Applicant Details page, which are stored under the Documents panel. For example, you can upload supplemental documentation sent directly to your admissions office instead of through the CAS. With this enhancement, you can now use the List Manager and Export Manager to query and export data about these uploaded documents. This may be helpful if you want to quickly identify applicants that you have uploaded documents for. The new fields are:

  • Admissions Uploaded Documents field category
    • Admissions Uploaded Document Name
    • Admissions Uploaded Document Upload Date

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

   Batch Add Applicants to Clipboard from List Actions

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

When using the List Manager, you can apply batch actions to quickly update applicant information, such as assigning Assignments or changing Local Statuses. With this enhancement, you can now batch add applicants from a list to the Clipboard (a personalized, ad hoc list) using the Add Checked Applicants to Clipboard action. This allows you to quickly identify applicants via the List Manager and then pull out select applicants for further review in your Clipboard.

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback.

   Additional WES GPA Fields

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs with an electronic WES integration. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Some CASs have an electronic World Education Services (WES) integration, where applicants can submit their official WES foreign transcript evaluations to the CAS. With this enhancement, WES now sends the following additional GPA fields, which you can view on the GPA Overview panel on the Applicant Details page, List Manager, and Export Manager:

  • WES GPA for Non-Accredited Religious Study
  • WES Hours for Non-Accredited Religious Study
  • WES GPA for Non-Recognized Post-Secondary
  • WES Hours for Non-Recognized Post-Secondary

This enhancement confirms that you have access to all of an applicant’s WES GPA information.

New Documentation

Please review the list of new reference guides, all accessible in the Integration Help Center.



Othot to TargetX Integration

A new Othot to TargetX integration allows you to move Othot data into TargetX; this occurs via a batch data integration process that uses Informatica's ETL capabilities. To learn more about this integration, visit the Integration Help Center.

WebAdMIT to TargetX Integration

A new WebAdMIT to TargetX integration allows you to move WebAdMIT data into TargetX; this occurs via a batch data integration process that uses Informatica's ETL capabilities. To learn more about this integration, visit the Integration Help Center.

Ongoing Maintenance

Please review the list of scheduled downtime/maintenance and product updates.




Sandbox Environment Refresh

August 28, 2023

The WebAdMIT Sandbox environment ( was refreshed with current (cleansed) production data and program configurations. Any test exports, custom fields, etc., in the current sandbox were overwritten.

Sandbox Environment Refresh

September 24, 2023

The WebAdMIT Sandbox environment ( will be refreshed with current (cleansed) production data and program configurations. Any test exports, custom fields, etc., in the current sandbox will be overwritten.