Uploading Documents

Best Practices in Setting Up a Review Process

If you're just getting started with building a review process in WebAdMIT, we recommend that, where applicable, you complete the following steps in the order listed:

  1. Build a checklist of supplemental requirements for each applicant.
  2. Track applicants during each stage of your admissions process.
  3. Store information in Custom Fields that your program needs but is not collected from the applicant in the CAS application.
  4. Upload documents directly to an application in WebAdMIT, whether it's a document the applicant sends you or one that you want to attach to their file.
  5. Create tasks for reviewers through Assignments, where the reviewer can add their comments and scores.
  6. Create and assign Interviews for reviewers, including tracking the date and location of the interview.
  7. Score applicants based on institutional rating policies.
  8. Depending on your CAS, you may also have access to retrieving background checks.

Additionally, explore these resources for best practices when building a review process:


You can retrieve applicant documents, such as the full application PDF, transcripts, and any CAS-level and program-level applicant-uploaded documents, under the Documents panel on the Applicant Details Page. You can also upload a document in WebAdMIT; for example, you may have a review form or the applicant sent you an additional document directly.

You can query and export details about your uploaded documents under the Admissions Uploaded Documents field category when working with Lists and Exports.

Gaining Access to This Feature

The Uploading Documents feature is available on the Applicant Details page and access to this tool is controlled through Work Groups. You must have the Manage Uploaded Documents permission to upload and delete a document for internal use.

Uploading a Document

  1. Navigate to the Applicant Details page,
  2. Go to the Documents panel, Admissions Uploaded Documents subpanel.
  3. Enter a description (i.e., file name).
  4. Click Choose File to find and select the document on your computer.
  5. Click Upload File.

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Deleting a Document

To delete an uploaded document, click the red x next to the file name.

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