Searching for Applicants

Getting Started with Searching Your Applicant Pool

If you're just getting started with searching your applicant pool, we recommend you review the following information:

  • Run quick, basic searches on your applicants, such as searching by their name or grouping applicants by program.
  • Build lists that filter applicants by multiple criteria (e.g., regional applicants, Verified applicants with a high GPA, etc.). Be sure to review the Template Naming Tips page for best practices in naming templates you create.
  • Combine lists to create advanced searches (e.g., regional applicants who are Verified with a high GPA).
  • Create a personal ad hoc list of applicants, setting them aside for later use.

Video Overview


WebAdMIT offers several search pages for you to quickly search and filter applicants. The Search page is where you can conduct a general search. You can also use search pages customized to features in WebAdMIT (e.g., Search Assignments, Search Interviews, Search Correspondence) or specific to application statuses (e.g., In Progress Applicants, On Hold Applicants, Undelivered Applicants, etc.).

Searching for Applicants

  1. Using the Menu Bar, open the Applicants panel, then click Search.
  2. If filters are hidden, click Show Filters to display them.
  3. Enter your criteria. In some drop-downs, you can search by Any Value and None. Note that the following fields match data on the Applicant Details page:
    • Last Name, First Name, CAS ID, and Application Last Changed On fields match data in the Applicant Header.
    • State/Province, Email Address, and Preferred Phone Number fields match data in the Contact Information panel, Current Address subpanel.
    • Applicant Specific Deadline, Start Term, Application Status, Local Status, Decision Code, Designation Submitted Date, and Designation fields match data in the Designation panel.
    • Reviewer matches data in the Assignments panel.
  4. Click Search to view applicants or Reset Criteria to clear your filters.

Apply filters when searching for applicants

Viewing and Sorting Search Results

Only applicants you have permission to view will appear in your search results. Once your search results appear, you can:

View and sort applicant search results

Applying Search Actions to Selected Applicants

Use the checkboxes in the first column of your search results to select multiple applicants and apply an action. The options you see are limited to your Work Group permissions.

Warning: enabling Applicant Gateway Activities and Assigning/Interviewing Checked Applicants are advanced functions that can’t be undone in batch. Confirm that your search results and selections are accurate before performing the change.

List of search actions that can be applied to applicants