Using the Clipboard

Getting Started with Searching Your Applicant Pool

If you're just getting started with searching your applicant pool, we recommend you review the following information:

  • Run quick, basic searches on your applicants, such as searching by their name or grouping applicants by program.
  • Build lists that filter applicants by multiple criteria (e.g., regional applicants, Verified applicants with a high GPA, etc.). Be sure to review the Template Naming Tips page for best practices in naming templates you create.
  • Combine lists to create advanced searches (e.g., regional applicants who are Verified with a high GPA).
  • Create a personal ad hoc list of applicants, setting them aside for later use.


The Clipboard allows you to store an ad hoc list of applicants for quick access. Clipboards are user-specific and you can add as many applicants as necessary.

Accessing the Clipboard

Using the Menu Bar, open the Applicants panel, then click Clipboard.

List of applicants in the Clipboard

Adding Applicants to the Clipboard

There are several ways to add applicants to the clipboard. You can add applicants:

Adding Applicants Individually

Go to the Applicant Details page and click Add to Clipboard.

Add to Clipboard button on the Applicant Details page

Adding Applicants in Batch via Search Actions

Using the Menu Bar, open the Applicants panel, then click Search. From Search Actions, click Add Checked Applicants to Clipboard.

Adding Applicants in Batch Using a CSV File

Where applicable, you can add applicants to the Clipboard in batch using a CSV file. If any CAS IDs were entered incorrectly or don't match any applicants that you have access to, a message appears indicating there were applicants that could not be added.

  1. Create the file containing the desired applicant IDs. The file must:
    • Be saved in CSV format.
    • Use one column, with applicant_id as the column header (this is not case-sensitive).
    • List the CAS IDs in the cells below.

      List of applicant CAS IDs in Excel
  2. Go to the Clipboard and click Add Applicants from .CSV to Clipboard in the Clipboard Actions menu.

Add Applicants from CSV to Clipboard button on Clipboard page

Removing Applicants from the Clipboard

There are several ways to remove applicants from the clipboard. You can remove:

Removing Applicants Individually

From your Clipboard, navigate to the Applicant Details page of the applicant you want to remove, then click Remove from Clipboard.

Remove from Clipboard button on Applicant Details page

Removing Select Applicants in Batch via Clipboard Actions

Using the Menu Bar, open the Applicants panel, then click Clipboard. Be sure that only the checkboxes for the applicants you want to remove are selected. Then, from Clipboard Actions, click Remove Checked Applicants.

Removing All Applicants via Clipboard Actions

Using the Menu Bar, open the Applicants panel, then click Clipboard. From Clipboard Actions, click Empty Clipboard.

Applying Clipboard Actions to Selected Applicants

Use the checkboxes in the first column of your search results to select multiple applicants and apply an action. The options you see are limited to your Work Group permissions.

Warning: enabling Applicant Gateway Activities and Assigning/Interviewing Checked Applicants are advanced functions that can’t be undone in batch. Confirm that your search results and selections are accurate before performing the change.

List of batch actions under Clipboard Actions drop-down