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Release 4 – May 1, 2022

New Features and Enhancements

No software enhancements were released this month. Check back next month for Release 5!

New Documentation

Please review the list of new reference guides, all accessible in the Admissions by Liaison Help Center.



Working with the Function Library The Function Library in Admissions by Liaison allows you to pre-configure JavaScript expressions for use in Custom Properties, exports, or other areas of the software.
Working with Marketing Analytics The analytics feature in Admissions by Liaison allows you to keep track of the success of your marketing efforts.

Combine Multiple Fields Into One

We are building an Advanced Configuration Library for Admissions by Liaison. This library provides guidance to help you build custom configurations in the software. As it is built out, you'll find more options that you can implement to enhance the way Admissions data is presented, exported, or filtered.

This configuration allows you to create a field that combines the data of up to five other fields.

Enforce Character Limit on Export Fields When extracting data from Admissions by Liaison, you may need to truncate a field, setting a specific character limit. Using this configuration, you can strip the additional characters, allowing these fields to meet your qualifications.
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