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Add Pixel Tracking


A tracking pixel is a tiny, invisible image (one pixel by one pixel) embedded within a website or email. When a user views a website or email with pixel tracking enabled, the pixel loads and sends a signal back to the entity that placed it. This signal provides information about the user's interaction with the website or email.

Pixel tracking is useful for a variety of reasons, including: 

  • Website analytics: pixel tracking can help gather essential data about a website's performance, including the number of visitors the site receives, the specific pages they visit, and how long they stay on the site. This information can be used to improve the website's overall design and navigation, as well as identify the content that is most popular with visitors. 
  • Email marketing: pixel tracking can help determine how many people open an email, click on links, and unsubscribe from the email list. This information can be used to improve the email campaign's effectiveness and to pinpoint highly engaged subscribers.
  • Retargeting: pixel tracking can help retarget users who previously visited a website but didn't complete a desired action, such as making a purchase. Advertisers can use this information to show these users targeted ads on other websites. For example, if an advertiser uses Google, their advertisements would appears on sites like YouTube. 

Add Pixel Tracking

If your institution has a marketing department or collaborates with a digital marketing partner, share this article with them. Unfortunately, Liaison cannot provide support for pixel tracking, so it's important you engage the relevant contacts on your end to address any tracking-related needs.

Using the Configuration Portal, you can add a pixel to track basic user behavior. More specifically, the pixel will help tag applicants who are viewing your program, as well as applicants who have submitted an application to your program (i.e., a "conversion"). The pixel will also allow you to retarget applicants and show them specific ads related to your program. 

To set up pixel tracking, you'll need a pixel from Facebook Ads ManagerGoogle Ads, or LinkedIn Ad Manager (note that account types, pricing, and fees may vary among ad managers). Once you have your pixel tracking ID: 

  1. In the Configuration Portal, navigate to the branding section for your program.
  2. Click Add Pixel Tracking, then add your pixel tracking ID. If using LinkedIn or Google, you'll need to enter a separate conversion ID to distinguish between applicants viewing your program and applicants submitting to your program. Depending on how you want to track data, you can choose to use one conversion ID for both fields or two different IDs. 

    WA Pixel Tracking Box.png
  3. Click Save. When your program is live, you should see analytics flowing into your respective ad manager in 1–2 days.  
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