Customizing Your Programs
You can customize your program with options that may include Questions, Prerequisites, Documents, Evaluation, SlideRoom, Kira Assessment, High School Transcripts, and/or College Transcript and Coursework Entry information. Note that these options vary by CAS.
- CAS Configuration Options
- This page contains a table listing the available configurations for your CAS. If you participate in several CASs, this information may be helpful as you build program configurations across your institution.
- Configure Program Restriction Rules
- Learn about program restriction rules that control the number and types of programs (i.e., designations) an applicant can apply to within an application cycle.
- Configure Questions
- Learn how to add custom questions that are not included in the core (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, Supporting Information) sections of the application or that are specific to your school or program.
- Configure Question Rules
- Learn how to build question rules that allow you to define how applicants interact with your questions and answer options.
- Configure Prerequisites
- Learn how to list the prerequisite courses, credits, and grades required for entry to your program. Applicants will then self-identify which courses they feel meet your prerequisite coursework requirements.
- Configure Documents
- Learn how to request supplemental documentation from applicants.
- Configure Evaluations
- Learn how to request recommendations (i.e., letters of evaluation, letters of reference) from applicants. These recommendations are sent only to your program.
- Link Your SlideRoom Application with CAS
- If you're using SlideRoom as part of your admissions review process, you can link your SlideRoom application with the CAS application.
- Configure College Transcripts Settings
- Learn how to set your domestic and foreign transcript requirements, as well as the required coursework entry. Your domestic transcript and coursework selections can affect the GPAs provided and the applicant's final application status.
- Configure High School Transcripts Settings
- Learn how to collect high school transcripts for your program.
- Link Your Kira Assessment
- If you're using Kira Talent as part of your admissions review process, you can link your Kira assessment with the CAS application.