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Configure Prerequisites


In this section, you can list the prerequisite courses, credits, and grades required for entry to your program. Applicants will then self-identify which courses they feel meet your prerequisite coursework requirements.

You can add instructions that help guide applicants through selecting their prerequisites. You can also add descriptions for each prerequisite, explaining how you expect applicants to match the prerequisite. This field can contain a maximum of 250 characters, so you may need to shorten descriptions if cutting and pasting from another resource.

You should identify prerequisites by subject types, not university course numbers (i.e., "Introductory Biology" instead of "BIOL 101") as students from different institutions may not be familiar with your course numbering system.

Prerequisite course collection is optional for each program. You can add up to 50 prerequisite courses for each program.

Adding Prerequisites

  1. Click the Editor link at the top.
  2. Click the Prerequisites checkbox on the left, then click the Prerequisites link.
  3. Enter any custom instructions you want to provide in the Applicant Instructions field. This text will appear at the top of the page.
  4. Click + Add Prerequisite.
  5. Enter the following details for each course.
    • Title: enter a descriptive title (e.g., "Intro to Biology with Lab" – not "BIOL 101 & 101L").
    • Description: enter a description that is 250 characters or less (e.g., "Biology courses must be for science majors and taken within the last 5 years to fulfill our requirements.").
    • Minimum Grade: enter a number from 0-4, including two digits after the decimal point (e.g., 2.50).
    • Minimum Credits: enter a number (e.g., 4).

      CAS Configuration Portal Add Prerequisite Nov 2024.png
  6. Click + Add Prerequisite to continue adding courses as needed.
  7. Click Save.

Managing Prerequisites

Once your prerequisites are added, you can make edits as necessary.

CAS Configuration Portal Managing Prerequisites Nov 2024.png

Reordering Prerequisites

Reorder your prerequisites by dragging and dropping.

Editing Prerequisites

Edit your prerequisites by clicking the desired field and making your changes in line.

Deleting Prerequisites

Delete prerequisites individually by clicking the trash icon.

Best Practices

There isn't an audit process that ensures the applicants have matched courses in the way you've asked them to, so provide as much guidance as needed to help avoid incorrect selections. Moreover, if your CAS uses verification, these applicant-matched prerequisites are not reviewed.

Don't be overly specific with course numbers. For example, ANT 210 (for Anthropology) may not directly translate to a course the applicants have taken. Instead, use language like "Introduction to Anthropology."

If you want applicants to report laboratory courses, we recommend that you combine the class and laboratory as one prerequisite. For example, instead of requesting:

  • Introduction to Biology and
  • Introduction to Biology Laboratory,

You should request "Introduction to Biology with Lab." Applicants can select multiple courses for each prerequisite. This is also helpful if an applicant's transcript reports these as one course (i.e., Introduction to Biology with Lab), as the applicant won't either reselect the same course for both Introduction to Biology and Introduction to Biology Lab or leave one prerequisite blank.

Double-check that you've included all your desired prerequisites.

Review this checklist when setting up your prerequisites:

  • Be sure that your prerequisites are listed accurately and match your program's requirements.
  • If you configure your program's transcript and coursework requirements, ensure that you select Prerequisite Only or Full Coursework so applicants can match their coursework to your prerequisites.

Poor Prerequisites (course prefixes used instead of generic course titles; separate prerequisites for labs):


Good Prerequisites (clear, generic course titles; labs combined with lecture courses):


When should I use Local GPAs, Prerequisite GPAs in WebAdMIT, or Prerequisites in the CAS Configuration Portal?

When creating custom GPA calculations in WebAdMIT, it can be challenging to determine which of the available features is best for your process. Review the scenarios below for guidance.

Scenario 1

Problem Statement

Part of Dani Director's review process is making sure applicants have completed 10 specific prerequisite courses (e.g., Anatomy and Physiology I, Biology I, etc.). Dani spends a lot of time reviewing an applicant's coursework for these prerequisites. She would like it if applicants could self-identify their coursework, and then she could review it for accuracy.


If available in her CAS, Dani can use the Prerequisites feature in the CAS Configuration Portal to list the exact courses she wants applicants to self-identify and her suggestions for the minimum grade and credits that the applicant should receive in these courses. Dani can then review the applicant's selections and change them as needed in WebAdMIT.

Scenario 2

Problem Statement

Dani Director wants her applicants to know what her program's prerequisites (e.g., Anatomy and Physiology I, Biology I, etc.) are, but she wants to select the courses that meet her prerequisites.


Dani can identify in her program's home page instructions what her program's prerequisite courses are. Then, she can use the Prerequisite GPA feature in WebAdMIT to identify and track an applicant's completion of her prerequisites.

Alternatively, if available in her CAS, Dani can use the Prerequisites feature in the CAS Configuration Portal to list her program's prerequisites and have the applicants self-identify the courses they feel meet her guidelines. Dani can then build an alternate Prerequisite GPA in WebAdMIT to track an applicant's completion of her prerequisites. Dani likes to have two Prerequisite models, one that is applicant-completed and one that is admissions-completed, as it can help her compare how an applicant feels they meet her prerequisites versus how her program feels the applicant meets her prerequisites.

Scenario 3

Problem Statement

Dani Director needs a Science GPA that includes courses taken in the Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics course subjects. She can then use this GPA to compare her applicants more equitably.


Dani can use the Local GPA feature to automatically calculate GPAs for any courses in these course subject fields. If needed, she can review the courses selected and unselect any that she doesn't want included.


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