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Configure Program Restriction Rules


Program restriction rules control the number and types of programs (i.e., designations) an applicant can apply to within an application cycle. Each CAS determines how these restrictions are set:

  • The CAS can set restrictions at the CAS level, where they apply to everyone in the entire CAS, or
  • The CAS can set restrictions at the organization level, where each organization can select which rule to apply.  

Note that not all rules are available/applicable to all CASs. Additionally, if you are using or will be using data integration processes, you should speak with your IT department to identify any implications with data imports/exports. Contact a member of your account team if you need more information or guidance.

Program Restriction Rules

Program restriction rules are enforced for a single application cycle. Some CASs with overlapping cycles may allow different program restriction rules for each of the overlapping cycles. 

Note: if you would like to use an option other than the default option below, contact a member of your account team. 

Program Restriction Rules

What does this mean?


Allow Multiple Programs per Org per Term (Default Option)

Applicants can apply to as many programs as they want in a CAS, regardless of type, term, campus, organization, etc. (i.e., applicants have no restrictions). 

This is generally the default for CASs: no rule is set. All organizations within a CAS are set to this option unless they choose otherwise. 

For example, an applicant completing a SAMPLECAS application might apply to ten programs across three different organizations. These programs might include a combination of types, terms, and campuses. 


Multiple Programs per Organization per Term by Ranking

Applicants can apply to as many programs as they want in a CAS, regardless of type, term, campus, organization. etc. (i.e., applicants have no restrictions). Additionally, applicants must rank their program selections within each organization.


For example, an applicant completing a SAMPLECAS application might apply to ten programs across three different organizations. The applicant must also rank their program selections within each organization:

  • ABC University
    • 1st Rank: program D
    • 2nd Rank: program B
    • 3rd Rank: program A
    • 4th Rank: program C
    • 5th Rank: program E
  • XYZ University
    • 1st Rank: program C
    • 2nd Rank: program A
    • 3rd Rank: program B
  • 123 University
    • 1st Rank: program C
    • 2nd Rank: program B

1 Program per Organization

Applicants can apply to only one program per organization.

If set at the organization level, then some organizations (i.e., schools) may restrict students to just one program at their school but another school may not.   

For example, an applicant completing a SAMPLECAS application can apply to only one program at each of the following organizations:

  • ABC University
  • XYZ University
  • 123 University

1 Program per Organization per Term

Applicants can apply to only one program per term per organization (i.e., applicants can apply to one program in every term that the organization offers).

If set at the organization level, then some organizations (i.e., schools) may restrict students to just one program per term at their school but another school may not. 

For example, an applicant completing a SAMPLECAS application can apply to only one program for each of the following: 

  • ABC University – Spring Term
  • ABC University – Summer Term
  • ABC University – Fall Term
  • XYZ University – Spring Term
  • XYZ University – Fall Term
  • 123 University – Summer Term
  • 123 University – Winter Term

1 Program per Campus per Term

Applicants can apply to only one program per campus per term (i.e., applicants can apply to one program in every term that a campus offers). 

For example, an applicant applying to 123 University can apply to only one program for each of the following: 

  • Campus A – Fall Term
  • Campus A - Spring Term
  • Campus B – Summer Term
  • Campus C – Summer Term
  • Campus C – Winter Term

1 Program Type Only

Applicants can apply to only one program type (i.e., classification or specialization). 

This option is not available at the organization level and must enabled at the CAS level. CASs that have this rule enabled can only allow applicants to select one program type across all organizations. 

For example, if SAMPLECAS offers multiple speech pathology programs and multiple audiology programs, an applicant can apply to multiple programs within only one of those program types but not both (i.e., speech pathology only or audiology only).

# of Programs per Term 

Applicants can apply to a specified number of programs per term across organizations. 

For example, an applicant completing a SAMPLECAS application can select up to three programs within each term. The applicant might select programs as follows:

  • ABC University Spring Term
    • School of Education Program A
    • School of Education Program B
    • School of Business Program C
  • ABC University Fall term
    • School of Education Program A
    • School of Business Program B
    • School of Business Program C


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