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Preview Your Programs


Once you're done configuring your home page, branding, and additional sections, you can preview how your program page will appear to applicants in the application. You can preview your program via three methods.

Method 1: Previewing Programs in the Application Prelaunch Environment

In this method, you can use WebAdMIT's prelaunch environment to access the CAS Configuration Portal and preview your program in the application's prelaunch environment. To preview your program, it must be in Draft status.

  1. Log in to WebAdMIT's prelaunch environment, then open the CAS Configuration Portal from the Management panel.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate application cycle and organization/school.
  3. Determine if you want to preview all programs at your organization or a specific program.
    • To preview all programs at your organization, select On for the Preview toggle on the Organization Details page.

      Preview Program Org Button 3.png
    • To preview a specific program, open the program and select On for the Preview toggle on the Program Details page.

      Preview Program Prog Button.png
  4. Click Preview Program(s). This button links you to the application's prelaunch environment.
  5. Log in to the application. If you do not have an account, create one.
  6. Your organization will be prefiltered on the Add Program page. Select the programs you want to preview.
  7. Navigate to the My Application tab.
  8. Click Program Materials to preview your programs.
  9. Once you're ready to submit your programs for approval, you must select Off for the Preview toggle.

Carefully review each page to confirm that the formatting and requirements are correct and make any necessary edits before submitting your program for approval. If you have a Kira integration, be aware that you cannot test it in the prelaunch environment. If you need to make any changes, return to the CAS Configuration Portal (via prelaunch) to make your edits. Review the CAS Configuration Portal Best Practices for suggestions on how to effectively position your program and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I submit an application in the prelaunch environment?

No. While you can view and complete an application in the prelaunch environment, you cannot submit the application. If you need a program in WebAdMIT for testing purposes (e.g., testing exports, lists, etc.), see Method 3 and contact a member of your account team.

I made changes in the CAS Configuration Portal, but I'm not seeing them in the CAS Applicant Portal prelaunch environment. Help!

Your browser may be experiencing a caching issue. First, try refreshing your browser. If that doesn't work, sign out of the application, close the window, and click Preview Program(s) again. If these steps don't work, you can try another browser and/or clear your browser's cache.

Method 2: Previewing Programs in the CAS Configuration Portal

In this method, you can use WebAdMIT's prelaunch environment or WebAdMIT's production (i.e., live) environment to access the CAS Configuration Portal and preview your program directly in the CAS Configuration Portal. For example, if you have just finished configuring your program in prelaunch, you can follow the steps below in prelaunch to preview that program. Or, if your program is already live, you can follow the steps below in the production environment to preview that program.

Note that when previewing programs via this method, you can only view how the page looks for applicants; you cannot interact with any of the elements (i.e., drop-downs, text fields, etc.). If you need to interact with the elements, use Method 1.

  1. Depending on the program(s) you want to preview, log in to WebAdMIT's prelaunch or production environment, then open the CAS Configuration Portal from the Management panel.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate application cycle and organization/school, then open the program you want to preview.
  3. From the Program Details page, scroll down to the Program Settings section and confirm that the sections you want to include are enabled. Sections that are not enabled will not be visible in the application.
  4. Click the eye icon to preview each section.

    Program Settings 2021.png

Carefully review each page to confirm that the formatting and requirements are correct and make any necessary edits before submitting your program for approval. Review the CAS Configuration Portal Best Practices for suggestions on how to effectively position your program and requirements.

Method 3: Previewing Programs and Conduct Testing in WebAdMIT

This method applies to schools that require the ability to preview and work with applicants in WebAdMIT as part of the cycle preparation and testing process. For the data to be available in WebAdMIT, you must configure a test program and submit a test application.

Important Notes:

  • Before configuring a test program, you must contact your CAS association contact or a member of your account team.
  • You cannot submit the test application until you:
    • Configure the test program.
    • Receive notice that the first three quadrants of the application (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, and Supporting Information) have been created and approved. If in doubt, contact your CAS association contact or a member of your account team.

Configuring a Test Program

  1. Log in to WebAdMIT's prelaunch environment, then open the CAS Configuration Portal from the Management panel.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate application cycle and organization/school, then open the program you want to test.
  3. Copy the program and update the WebAdMIT name to include "TEST –" as the prefix (e.g., "TEST – Fall Program").
  4. Submit the test program for review, then contact the CAS association contact or a member of your account team for approval.
  5. When approved, the program start date will be set to the current date to allow the program to display on the CAS Applicant Portal prelaunch environment.

Submitting Test Applications

As noted above, you can submit test applications in your CAS Applicant Portal prelaunch environment only after the first three quadrants of the application (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, and Supporting Information) have been created and approved by your CAS's association.

Once an application is ready for submission, use the following test credit card information to mock a payment and submit the application:

  • Name on Card: test test
  • Card Type: Visa
  • Card Number: 4111 1111 1111 1111
  • Expiration Date: 06/2028 (any future date should work)
  • CVV: 111

Following submission, the application will appear in WebAdMIT prelaunch.

Finalizing Program Updates After Testing

If you wish to make additional edits after verifying your test program configurations, you'll need to reconfigure the program (note that you cannot reconfigure the test program because it will have been approved).

Once you've completed the reconfiguration, you'll need to follow steps 3–5 under Configuring a Test Program section above only if you still require the ability to preview applicants in WebAdMIT as part of the cycle preparation and testing process.


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